Chapter 12- outing pt 2

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Kenji POV
HELLO It's me. Kenji here. Some of you may not know me but One thing is for sure I'm a new character. Lol anyway Wonu is so hot. Yeah I'm clingy to him but do I have a choice? I fell for him the first time I saw him.

"Babyyy" i cooed


"Babyyy"  i called again

Wonu is not responding



"Saranghae bbuing :)" i said and did my aegyo he simply rolled his eyes fell asleep beside me. Oh wonu will you be my boyfriend?

Theresa is pretty, okay bye haha

Scoups POV

The guys decided to play hide and seek and Seungkwan was the seeker. Here I am finding my way to hiding when I saw Nera in the porch sitting down. She looks so perfect sitting there .

"Hey nera"


"Why are you not hiding? They are playing hide and seek and I suggest that you hide now before seungkwan find you"

" I dont want to play" she said

"Your old enough and you're still playing this game? Come with me will you."


" I just need some company after all."


I don't know what insect came inside my brain when  I asked seungcheol to go with me , We rode our golfcart and went to my healing place. The secret falls. The falls was and is still beautiful, the rocks that are designed like sculptured masterpieces the blue water that seemingly want to be swimmed and the white sands that perfect the scenery.

The secret falls was like the name it was a secret only I knew this place because this place can hardly be seen by everyone .

"Wow" seungcheol said leaving me awake from my thoughts.

"What do you think?"


I lied down at the sands and felt the natural refreshing sounds of nature it is a healing for me always .

Seungcheol seemed to do the same as me.
I thought about things here responsibilities and all but this place is really soothing for me.

"How are you as a kid?" He opened up to me
"Normal" How can this kid be so normal asking something so personal?
"Does anyone told you that your bad at lying.
"Yes you're bad at it." No I don't want to talk about this topic
" can u drop the topic please. Its uncomfortable." I begged
" sure." Good thing Seungcheol is understanding and not dense

"Mine was far from normal" he continued

"Excuse me?"

"My mother died when I was 9 and ever since I lived with my dad. Mom was the best though, she made me chocolate chip cookies when I was sad and she told me to smile always. She once said that smiling can make a person at peace. I think that's one reason why I smile always. You know what when she died she said to me these last words ' no matter what happen everything can be erased but smiles cant be erased when they know it's from a sincere person who is doing it'."

"How ironic has it been when she almost died and said those words to me? i mean I could cry. When your mom dies who the fuck will smile and pretend that nothing has happen.?"He continued I felt guilty

"That fuck who smiled was me. I think too that my mom just wants me to be happy. I thank her for that. Because everything can go wrong in life but as long as I smile. I remember my mom. And its a good thing" he said flashing his smile again . why does this smile melt my heart? WHAT? Nera stop

I smiled at him
"Thank you for listening Nera" he said and smiled

"No thank you Seungcheol, for opening up to me and I know the pain is still there but at least it lessened right?" I told him while smiling

"It definitely." Now we lay there on the sands enjoying the peaceful silence that engulfed our bodies while smiling as we look into the sky.

Living With Seventeen.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora