One Little Swim{Altäir x Reader}

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Just a little picture I drew of little Alty. I am definitely not a good drawer xD

This one was requested by the amazing ScreechingLife ! Hope you enjoyed!

Requests are still open ^~^

It was another scorching day in Masyaf, the blazing hot sun burning at each step you made, making it too hot to even lay down. You weren't expecting the weather to go from frigid cold in the morning, to extremely hot in only a couple of hours. Stuck in your white and brown dress, beads of sweat running down your forehead and down your cleavage making you grab a fan and wave it against your face to cool down. There was nothing that you could do to face the heat, unless...

"Hey Malik, would you like to go for a swim?" You ask Malik, who was only sitting down in his Assassin attire, making you frown at how hot it is as he wears something that heavy. Malik, sitting down in his chair and writing with his good arm, he looks up at you fanning yourself. He smiled, shaking his head, and looking down at his papers.

"I prefer not to. Ask Altaïr?" He said smirking to himself, you and him both knowing he has a fear of swimming. You got up from where you were sitting and was off to find where Altaïr was. Once you stepped outside, the scorching sun hit you directly, feeling like you'd immediately melt into the burning floor. You look to the ground, squinting your eyes until you felt a cool shade be placed over you. You look up to find Altaïr covering you with his tall figure.

"Hello Alty!" You smile at him, even though his face his concealed by his white hood. You couldn't believe that Altaïr would have his heavy Assassin Attire in such a weather which made you gawk at how calm he his.

"Hello (Y/N)." He greeted calmly, your face only making your grin grow wider. Taking his hand in yours, you drag him towards a nearby lake that was somewhat of a secluded lake that was nearby Masyaf. You knew Altaïr couldn't swim, which made this little trip to the lake a little more exciting. Altaïr kept asking you where you were taking him but all you did was let out a small little chuckle. Holding on the bottom of your dress from slipping on it, you walk towards the lake, seeing how crystal blue it looks, seeing all the grass look lively and birds along with infects dancing around with each other made you smile at how beautiful nature can be.

"Come on Altaïr! Let's for a little swim!" You finally speak up, now holding both of his hands in your grasp, feeling that Altaïr has tensed up a bit when his eyes landed on the lake that lay in front of you two.

"No (Y/N), I prefer not to!" He calmly said, squeezing both of your hands to signal he definitely does not want to go. You scoff with a smile, walking closer to him while you examine his white robes that you didn't understand how he could survive in such clothing in this scorching weather.

"Alty, come on!" You pleaded, placing your hands on his chest, feeling his arms wrap around your waist, not knowing what he was doing made you blush slightly. His grip because a little tighter, pulling you closer to his chest while your hands caressed the collar of his hoodie.

"I won't." He retorted, moving his hands down your hips, making your arms snake their way into his hoodie, feeling his soft hair.

"You will." You fought back, gently pulling done his hoodie to reveals his soft brown locks of hair, (Is it brown? Idk xD) feeling how soft they are, you firmly wrap your arms around his neck while his hands lay tightly planted on your hips.

"I won't." He said, leaning down to see your (E/C) eyes more clearly.

"You won't what?" You questioned with a purr, knowing how things could end up with a little bit of persuasive seduction you always preform when you want something to for the luck, and he can never pin point what you do to make him agree to things.

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