Lost in vast abysses.

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Ok let it be this way. I'm Hirunee Avishka and a hardcore Exo-l. This story is out of a true experience in my life. (Names and places are imginary) I turn out to be 'Adrienne' in this story.

And this message is for you all who read this. There may be typographical errors and some grammer mistakes too. No one in this world is perfect, in my opinion. I might make some mistakes too. So please don't try to correct them or advice me. If you don't like the story you can quit reading anytime.

And to be honest,  I'm writing this story not expecting any views or comments. This is for my own consolation. So please no objections and ENJOY THE MAYO! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


"Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you within me
I can find no rest........."

Change is gradual and incremental. Time didn't half for anyone so didn't to me. Now it's been seventeen years since I became a part of this world where no one could escape from the death. Where no one would live only with happiness! Love is a sempiternal  truth thou shalt not live without!

Why would everything in my life turns out to be this way? The days of my life were sure to find me drowned in a ocean of pessimistic notions.

"Why did I even born if I'm gonna be such a stupid jerk??"

I really regret that I got a life along with that so called Soul! I don't know the reasons lying down behind those feelings, but I am fed up with my life already. If I get to say this to my mom, I'm pretty sure that she would fire me out of my family.

Lemme explain. I was born into a family, some sort of a middle caste family. That isn't the most perverse. I really regret about being born in a country like this. All my life what I expected was to live in a foreign country, of course USA!

But the time didn't let me expel the thoughts that always reverberated within me, even though I still couldn't find my way to reach out my dream.

It is useless giving a self introduction cuz I find nothing special about myself except me being an Anglophile. A hardcore Anglophile. I love English things and the very thought of something related, drives me crazy.

It doesn't matter what kind of a fact it is, but I find myself upright whenever I come to the point of 'English'.

But everytime I anticipate a change in my life would only make my eyes get wet. I do have endless problems in my life. But how I manage to go through them is like an illusion. It's metaphysically an illusion!


-End of the chappie-

Guess what next :
           My family? Oh god I'd rather kill myself than suppressing my feelings about them.

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