My family! Yeah!

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Before getting indulged in the main subject I thought of expelling words out about my family. These are pure true facts and hope you enjoy them...


My mother oh! She is kinda best actress for a role of a mother. Her life wasn't a good one though. It was my grandpa who was the reason behind her woebegone story. But she is always susceptible and strong enough to bear up any pain. She is more like an Iron Lady! My mom never blames us but oh! What he does hurts us even more. When she is hurt she vomits out the pain in her heart converting them into words of fire which would literally make our hearts melt so that my brother and me tend to bargain for an apology.

My mom hails from a family of swollen headed people whose ancestors used to be English men so whenever my grandpa broached to boast about them, my skin was sure to have goosebumps.

My dad was a bird when he was bold and young, so reckless. I really can't believe that how dad managed to get the attention of mom in the conventional way with songs and all that cuz these days one would randomly pick another in order to follow 'relationship goals' more than cherishing each other.

My dad is really good in farcical acting. He could make anyone burst out into laugh with a single word from his mouth. And he is the most accurate person I've ever seen. No wonder an animal gene might have dominated my dad's gene for I'm totally the other way around.

The concepts of Electra complex and Oedipus complex can be obviously seen in ma family. Of course my mother always reproaches me for only caring about dad.

And here comes my brother! To be honest, I'm more scared of my brother than even my parents. In each and every transaction I do, whoever with, he is the first to log into that newly created file and collapse it.

In my opinion my brother is much more talented than me. Any proof? Yeah there's much more. He never studies for his exams and never it for his Advance level exam too. But he could pass with such brilliant credits even when those who studied to death could not.

In consideration of me, mom and dad at the point of sweating we are alike, and oh god! Not my brother. His sweating is ample enough to kill oneself just by raising his hand to convey his presence in a class.

Family is the smallest unit in the society though I can't express my love for them just with 444 words. Whatever the condition is, I never forget to count on them for blood is thicker than water!!!


-Thank you for reading buddies!-

Guess what next :
         " Who the heck is that? Seems like he's a younger one. Why do I feel like he's the most handsome in the world?  A child actor? Hell no!!!"

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