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Unbetated work. OoC. Coarse language. English is not my first language.


Chapter VIII: "Escape"

The vans drive at high speed and motorbikes guard their paths. EVA is one of their riders, and you find that Snake has tagged along with her. No sooner than you're leaving the premises that the enemies begin to appear and Gekko surprise you on the way. They're supported by Haven Troopers that chase you and block the streets on armored vehicles. In a matter of seconds, the first van goes down when a Gekko sends it tumbling on its side with a powerful thrust of its leg and you only hope you can make it out of there.

There's total uproar in the streets, but you feel relieved that you don't have to lament innocent casualties. The chase is a death race now, with every turn leading to deadly traps. If you're not swift enough to get away, they will corner you and that will be the end of it. You need to hold out for as long as possible to buy Tifa some time, lest they discover your ruse. EVA follows you to mislead the enemy into thinking you were the van carrying the body, and it works for the most part. You try to down as many enemies as you can with your FN FAL but, no matter how many you kill, more keep coming.

Still, Azor is a great driver and avoids the enemy with expertise. He's able to react swiftly to every situation and follows EVA's lead with sharpness of body and mind. You're actually glad to be with him, by the time you're one of the few vans that remain, and even more so that Snake is watching your back too. Although you're worried about EVA, you know he's protecting her better than you ever will in his place. He even has the time to save your ass on several occasions, when Haven Troopers have surrounded your vehicle. Truly, you have to admit that the guy is damn good at what he does.

But the real problems start when Raging Raven shows up in the skies, followed by her squad of Ravens that close in on you at once.

"There you are, Snake! Where's your anger? Show me your rage!" Her distorted voice is terrifying and full of wrath, unsettling you deeply.

Before long, she's shooting at you with a grenade launcher and won't stop. Azor tries his best to keep the van stable and on the road, but it gets harder the more grenade blasts he has to avoid. "I'll be damned, crazy bitch!"

"Watch out!" you holler when the facade of a building comes into view amid the haze of dirt, and he dodges to the left just barely in time to avoid crashing. As you breathe a sigh of relief, wiping some sweat off your face, you glance behind and notice EVA and Snake are nowhere to be found. "Where are they? I can't see them!"

"Maybe they've taken another route."

The Ravens weren't following you anymore, so they must have put their focus on Snake and EVA- much to your dismay. Raging Raven seemed particularly interested in him, now that you think about it. Either way, you're worried about EVA getting hurt. In these circumstances, she's more vulnerable than ever and you fear for her safety.

"Come on, Azor, keep going! We need to catch up to them." The order is clear so he steps on the gas and speeds up. You can hear the cawing of Ravens in the distance, and the rumble of explosions, so you have some hope they're still alive and fighting their way out. Rather distressed, you try to get Azor to reunite with them again but he refuses to do so, saying that you'll be getting in the way and bringing more danger to them.

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