Francis had tried not to rely on Dechuange but could not resist feeling happy and more content in his company. But she was surprised one day by his insistence in kissing her.
Draco was at a dinner with his parents. The others, for various reasons, were not around and what had started, as a play fight had become something that frightened her. She felt as she usually did with too much time spent around Dechuange, like she was drunk, the lightness was unnatural and slowed her responses.
The first time, she was caught by surprise and at the touch of his lips found herself melting into him. She mentally shook herself, however, and pulled away.
"Dechuange!" she laughed.
"Yes?" his low, perfect voice hummed in her ear.
"Stop it," she continued to laugh and tried to get out of his grip.
He let her go but stared into her face, his eyes seemingly pulled to her lips, "I've wanted this for awhile now, Francis."
She shook her head laughing unable not to feel his words make her heart flutter. He touched her nose with his and she could feel him teasing, as if he was trying to resist her kiss. She was feeling herself becoming overwhelmed, drowned by his blue eyes as he stole glances at her to see if she would. She was leaning into him, before she was aware of it, and he caught her lips softly. She shivered as his lips wandered.
"No. No. No." she suddenly jumped away from him.
"Don't be silly," he smiled at her.
"I know. It's nothing. But it feels weird."
"It's not nothing to me," he seemed genuinely hurt.
Her head was reeling, " Oh that's not what I meant. I know it's fun, I do."
"Are you afraid to fall in love with me?" he asked her softly.
"No. I'm afraid I'll have too much fun," she blushed.
"It is fun," he agreed, an endearing smile on his lips that she couldn't take her eyes off. He leaned in again.
"Draco told me, you were his first kiss," she moved further down the sofa from him. He leaned back with a sigh.
"I was?"
"Do you remember the first time you kissed him?"
"Yes," he shrugged.
"What was it like?"
"What's it like when you do it?" he grinned.
She felt her cheeks burn, "I mean when did it happen? I'm asking for the gossip."
"We were twelve, hiding from the adults at a boring party. I asked if I could, and he said yes, so we made out," Dechuange came closer to her.
She was jumpy, ready to stand if he continued, " Is that the only time?"
"No," his eyelashes created shadows on his cheeks, his mouth softened, "But you don't need to hear about it. Unless, that's your thing?"
Francis laughed, shaking her head.
He came closer.
"Oh please, don't Dechuange!" she cried.
"Fine," he sighed, "But I like you, Francis."
"I like you too."
"No. I really like you," he took her hand in his, "I want to marry you."
Francis laughed truly now.
"Why is that funny?"
"Oh please, Dechu, you marry? And me of all the people," Francis smiled at his serious face.
"I've already asked your father."
The smile slid from her face.
"He is going to talk to you about it very soon."
"No," Francis stood up, getting away from him. Her dulled thought process suddenly smashed and running in overdrive.
"It could work. Your father agreed to give me a job; I'm young but capable. We could afford at least a house on Angel's Walk with the income and your allowance. He was very pleased that I came to him," Dechuange explained.
"Another marriage deal. You went to my father, not to me?" Francis touched the door handle behind her.
"I love you, Francis," he stood up now.
She opened the door, staring at him aghast.
"You're my salvation," he pleaded. A breeze stirring his hair away from his shining eyes, "You can save me. Once I am settled. A husband. A man. He cannot send me to be studied or experimented on."
She hesitated.
"You offer the ultimate protection. Nothing happens without your father's agreement. And he wants you for a daughter."
"Stop talking about him," Francis told him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realise. I should have come to you first. But I had to be sure, I had to be sure it would work. I did this for you."
"This was your plan?" she said slowly.
"Yes. I care for you so much and you care for me. It's not just convenience. I can make you happy."
"Stop it!" she cried, "Stop talking such nonsense. I don't trust what you say, your words aren't right."
He stared at her and, even in her distress; she saw that he was trembling.
"Please don't send me away. I don't want to chain you to me, I know this breaks every vow you've taken recently, don't see it as defeat. Would you see me perish?"
His desperation and anger made her want to cry, she closed the door.
"What else can I do? Don't you see this is against my nature too?" he put his hands in his hair, "Why is it that my power wanes when it's confronted with people I love?"
"Maybe you don't really want to lie to us," Francis murmured.
"I don't want to hurt you. I see no other way; I've tried. And you know I'm capable of it," his eyes suddenly took on a dark glint.
"Capable of seducing my father? To make sure I have no say?"
"Yes," he gritted his teeth.
"Draco was right."
"Draco? I knew this would be the real issue. He is going to be married, Francis! He has already left you. You are to be disowned; I saw it in your father's eyes. You've never been worth the price people have to pay for you," he spat.
She gasped, "You'd say such things to your last chance?"
"I'm showing you the reality. Draco would want you to save me, it's time to let go," Dechuange sighed, he came closer to her and she felt herself growing dull once again, like warm water enveloping her skin, "We can save each other. Your father will claim you as his child, we can help your mother, and you can spend as much time as you like in The Lab. I give you everything. I can make you happy. Francis, you can save me. You can finally beat the system, we can do it together."

Doe (#Wattys2016)
FantasyThe Lab isn't for everyone. But for Doe and her sister it's home that is, until Lord Lurie finds out about them and creates a master plan that may propel them out of poverty and straight into the elite. Torn between two worlds they face the ultimat...