Chapter 34

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Hadley walked out of her last exam of the day feeling totally beat and in need of a long, relaxing, well-deserved nap. As she crossed the almost deserted campus, she looked at her phone expecting to see a call or at least a text from Tyler, but there was nothing. No new text, no new voicemail – nothing.

As she pulled her car keys from her pocket, Hadley hit the unlock button on her remote before walking around the front of the car and sliding into the driver’s seat. Plugging the keys into the ignition, Hadley pulled her seatbelt across her body before fastening the buckle in its clasp. With one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on the gear shift, Hadley was about to pull out of her parking spot before her phone buzzed in the cup holder.


“So I guess we aren’t going out to lunch?”

Hadley closed her eyes as her left hand went from the steering wheel to her face. “Shit Carrie, I totally forgot.”

“It’s fine.” she sighed. “So where are you?”

“I’m about to go home and take a nap before Tyler and I go out tonight - if we’re still going out.”

“Trouble in paradise?”

You could potentially say that. Hadley thought to herself as she sat back in her seat, her car still running. “No, we’re fine!” Hadley said, her voice raising just a hair in pitch.

“Okay, well if you need me you know where to find me.”

“Thanks, Carrie. I’ll call you later.”

“Alright, drive safely!”

“Alright mom, I will.” Hadley joked sarcastically before hanging up her phone and placing it back in the cup holder. Placing her hands back on the wheel and gearshift, Hadley finally put the car into gear and peeled out of her parking spot.

As she pulled out of the main entrance of the college, Hadley couldn’t help but let her mind wander off a bit. No matter how much she trusted Tyler, she couldn’t shake the voice of the girl that called earlier. And with no word from Tyler since she left that morning, Hadley couldn’t help but have an inkling of doubt in her and Tyler’s relationship.

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“Tyler?” Hadley kicked her Toms off at the front door and walked into the house. She saw Tyler’s car in the driveway, so she knew he was home. “Babe?”

Eyebrows furrowing together, Hadley dropped her bag by the foot of the stairs and proceeded to walk upstairs. The house was presumably quiet which lead Hadley to believe that Tyler was taking a nap.

Hadley’s feet padded softly against the hardwood floor of the upstairs as she walked past the now finished nursery that she and Tyler had put together. When she approached the closed door to her and Tyler’s bedroom, she bit her bottom lip not wanting to wake Tyler if he was really taking a nap. That was until she heard a feminine giggle on the other side of the door.

Insecurities aside, hormones taking over, Hadley turned the door knob before forcefully pushing the door open. The door hit the doorstopper on the wall hard enough to make picture frames fall off the wall – if they had hung any up.

“Nice Tyler, real nice.” she couldn’t believe what she was actually seeing. Hadley shook her head as she looked at the pathetic brunette who was wrapped up in her and Tyler’s sheets. “You are unbelievable.” Without hesitation or looking back, Hadley turned around and quickly made her way down the hall and stairs.

“Hadley – wait!”

Ignoring Tyler’s plea, she picked up her bag that she left by the stairs and fished her keys out of one of the side pockets before slipping her shoes back onto her bare feet. The sinking feeling in her chest and the queasy sensation in her stomach hit her hard. Hurt tears stung her eyes as she walked across the driveway before slipping back into her car.

Just as Tyler emerged from the front door of their house, Hadley put the car into reverse before leaving Tyler standing at the top of the driveway. Looking into the rearview mirror, Hadley watched as Tyler’s figure slowly began to shrink as she drove further and further down the street.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hadley ran her hand across her cheek, wiping away one last tear. After aimlessly driving for nearly an hour, she found herself standing at the front door of Milan’s and Brittany’s house. It was unprecedented and she didn’t mean to drop in like this, but she needed someone to talk to.

“Hey Hadley,” Brittany opened the door with a surprised but pleasant smile on her face before she saw that Hadley wasn’t returning the gesture. “Something happened between you and Tyler?”

“Can I come in?” Hadley asked, her voice low and quiet.

“Absolutely sweetie,” Brittany pulled Hadley into a hug before closing and locking the door behind her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Britt, is Hadley here? Tyler’s looking for her.” Milan walked into the kitchen to see Brittany sitting at the kitchen table with her arms crossed over her chest. She gave Milan a scathing look at the very mention of Tyler’s name. “Whoa, what’s wrong?”

“Tyler, that little shit teammate of yours, that’s what’s wrong.” she said trying to keep her voice down so she wouldn’t wake Valentina.

Milan tentatively approached his wife. “I don’t understand.”

“Well, what did he tell you? I’ll help you understand.”

He stroked his stubble ridden face. “He didn’t say much. He only said that Hadley left the house really upset and she shut her phone off.”

“Figures,” she rolled her eyes.

“Hey, what’s with you?” Milan questioned, pulling Brittany up by her hands and into a hug.

The fact that I have Hadley upstairs in our guest room upset and hysterical because she caught Tyler in their bed with another girl is what’s with me.”

He shook his head. “No way, he and Hadley have been great together.”

“Well, I have his upset, pregnant girlfriend upstairs that leads me to believe otherwise.”


“You told him to come over, didn’t you?”

“He sounded really upset, babe. What was I supposed to do?”

Brittany looked up at her husband, her look softening as her blue eyes met his warm brown ones. “I don’t know. But what I do know is he isn’t stepping one foot into this house. So help me Milan, I will kick that –”

Milan silenced his ranting wife with a kiss. “I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry, Britt.” 

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