Chapter 3: Ben and Broken Ribs

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Chapter 3

He just laughs and keeps talking about how much he has missed me, and how much fun we are gonna have, but all I could think about was Ben.

Why I care so much about him, I really don't know. I mean he hit me all the time, and one time puchhed me so hard in the stomach that I couln't breathe properly for about a month.

Turns out that I had broken a rib.

*flash back start* I'm sitting in the doctors office, only because my dad made me come. The doctor came back in with a worried look on her face. "What have you been doing lately sweetie? Because according to this x-ray, you have a broke rib."

I panic a little bit, knowing that I can't tell her the real reason I had a broken rib. "Look, Leah, I know that you might not want to tell you, but I need to know.

I won't know how to fix this if you don't tell me." My eyes dart around the room. "Well, I kinda fell off the roof." I knew it was a lie, but I couldn't very well tell her the truth.

If I told her about Ben, she would tell the police, and then they would arrest Ben. And eventually he would get out and do so much worse to me. So I just lied to her.

She didn't look convinced, but she nodded and gave me my instructions on fixing my ribs. When I got home, my dad told me that I couldn't go out onto the balcony anymore.

Well that's just fantastic. *Flash back ends*

I guess recalling the memory made me zone out, because next thing I know, Colton starts knocking on my forehead. Literally. "Hello? Anybody in there? HELLO?"

I then start knocking on his head. "Yeah, how does it feel having someone knock on your head? Not good huh? Huh?" We both start laughing.

It feels good to laugh again. I mean it's been since the last time I was here that I laughed. It's nice. The laughter eventually fades out, the entire mood changes, and I hear the words that I have been dreading since Ben started abusing me.

"Seriously Leah. What's wrong? You only space out like that when something is really bothering you. And don't even give me that bull crap about "oh im fine." because you're not. And I can't stand seeing you like this."

I look into his eyes, and I know that I'm not gonna get out of this one. Right about the time that I'm about to tell him everything, his phone starts blaring "Tattoos on this town" by Jason Aldean.

He picks up the phone, giving me the look that says that we aren't done talking about this. I took this time to piece myself back together, and build my walls back up.

Colton got off the phone, and threw it down on the bed. "You're coming to my house for dinner. Mom insisted, and there is no way you're getting out of it. And we still have to discuss whatever it is that you dazed out about."

He looked at me with a look that I have ever seen, and then gave me a hug. We stood up, hand in hand, and walk towards the door.

We make it out of the house without being noticed by my mom, thank goodness, and walk the short distance to his house. But when we walk in, the feelings between us completely change.

And apparently so do Colton's, because he drops my hand and runs to the beautiful blonde standing in front of us with a shell shocked look on her face.

The Blondie starts yelling at Colton, and he now has the same look on his face that she did, not two seconds ago.

Not knowing what to do, I start slowly backing towards the door. Once I reach it, I dash outside.

I look back one last time to see Colton trying to run after me, but being held back by Blondie. (That's what I decided I'm gonna call her since I don't know her actual name.) Wow... I didn't think emotions could change that quickly.

*Author's Note*

Hi loves! I hope you like the update. I have a couple of more chapters that I already have written. I will probably end up posting some of them tonight. I would love to know what you think about the story! As always cote, comment, share! And again, I would love to know what you think!

Love, The Author :)

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