Chapter 8: The Story of Ben

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Chapter 8

I cry for a solid fifteen minutes. By the time I am all cried out, I have a bad case of the hiccups. I can't help but laugh with every hiccup that comes out of my mouth.

Colton laughs along with me until they finally stop. And I know that means that he is gonna ask about my break down. 

"So are you gonna tell me why you broke down over me throwing a sock at you? Or am I gonna have to force it out of you?"

I just look down.

"Well, ya see, I had this boyfriend after I left the last time. His name was Ben. We dated for about a year and a half. The first six months or so were great. We were always laughing and always had a good time when we were together."

" But then last year, he got into a bad car accident. He was in a coma for about a month. They said he might never wake up. They said that if he did wake up, that he wouldn't be the same."

"They told me that he would have mood swings alot. And that he might have slight brain damage. When he woke up, we were all relieved."

"His family and I took him home and made him his favorite dinner. Afterwards we were up in his room. I accidentally dropped a bottle of is cologne or something, I can't even remember. But he freaked out. He started throwing stuff everywhere, and started hitting me."

"That was the night that he started beating me. He told me if I ever told anybody that he would kill them. He said that he would know. So naturally, I didn't tell anybody."

"It went on for about a year. He got caught right in the middle of beating me outside the school one night. He got sent to jail, considering he had just turned 18. He stayed in jail for a while, but when he got out, he came after me again."

"But by this time, me and my dad moved houses, and he hired someone to watch after me. For a while, it bothered my dad that I hadn't told him about all this, but then I told him why I hadn't told him, and he understood completely."

" Ben never found me again before I left, so now I live in constant fear of him finding me and hurting me even worse than he did before. Colton, I'm just scared."

By the end of my story I was crying again. Colton had an angry expression on his face.

"That little... I can't believe he would do that to you. I wish you would have told me. I would have come and beat the crap out of him for you. I mean I know you said that he told you that if you told anyone that he would kill them, but do you really think he could take on me? Yeah, I don't think so."

I notice that he is slightly shaking out of rage, and I try to calm him down, but nothing I do works.

"Look, Colton, I didn't come over here to make you want to kill somebody. I came over because I need you to call Blair and ask her to come over. I really need to talk to her. I realized what was bothering her, and I need to fix it. I don't like people not liking me. Especially when they don't know me. Please, I just wanna fix it."

He looks at me and realizes that I'm being serious. He just nods and picks up his phone. Next thing I know he is talking to somebody.

"Hey. Could you come over? I wanna see you......yeah....Moms making....yeah moms making chicken.....okay.. yeah I will tell her.... alright bye." He hangs up and gives me a worried look. "Well she is coming over."

*Authors Note*

Hi! I'm trying to put as many updates as I can before Monday. I'm still not sure how much I will be updating once school starts back. I'm gonna try and write a little every night. Oh, and how did you like the chapter? Been writing on it all day. Comment, vote, share, same old same old. Anywyas, Thank you guys for reading my story! Oh and I'm almost up to 100 reads! That's huge for me! This has become so much bigger than I thought it would! Thank you guys again.

Love, The Author :)

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