Chapter 2

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I almost envy their relationship, their family. I was never given one as a child and Anakin is the closest I have to family now. The way they look into each other's eyes with such passion and love is admirable.
I sit in a chair in the corner of the room, next to the bright light of a standing lamp. I can see the way they are in awe of the twins, of each other, it makes me wonder how long they were in a relationship and keeping it secret. If I had any sense in me at all I should report it, Jedi aren't supposed to love. But the only sense I feel is the responsibility to make sure their love is kept safe and hidden from all who could harm it. After all there are two extra additions to the list of people who could be harmed.
A message comes through on my comlink from Windu asking me if I was aware of Anakin's location. Naturally I lie and say I have no information, I don't want to ruin today for my apprentice or the senator.


I gaze into my husbands eyes. He doesn't remember any of mustafar. But that's what I wanted when I asked Obi-Wan to request Yoda erase it from his mind. It was tearing him down every day what he did, strangling me and order 66. I'm surprised the Jedi let him back on the council, they are convinced it was purely the chancellors influence on him that caused his actions. It worries me terribly. He killed younglings in a moment of anger, would he ever harm Luke and Leia? I try to shake the dis faithful thought out of my head and continue to allow myself to get lost in the sapphire crystals that are his eyes. But I can't help seeing the red of evil right in the deepest depths of his pupils.
A medic droid enters the room and Anakin's stare breaks from my eyes and to the metal figure.
"You are granted permission to return home senator," the droid explains.
"Thank you," I mutter as I stand up from the bed. Luke and Leia are asleep in their cot at the end of the room, with Obi-Wan watching over them. I see him as becoming a god father figure to the twins, maybe when Anakin can't be here, Obi-Wan will help keep them safe.
"I'll escort her home Anakin, you can't be seen entering the apartment with her," Obi-Wan explains.
"Obi-Wan no one will se us, please he must come home with me," I plead.
"He's right Padmé, I'll follow on a little later," he places his hand at the small of my back, sending a chill over my body. It reminds me of the first time he held me by the lake in Naboo.
"Okay, I guess you're both right, promise me you'll be home in no more than an hour Ani," I turn into his chest and let his being surround me.
"Of course my love," he replies.


I watch as my wife leaves with my children. I'm overcome with eagerness to follow straight away back home, but we run the risk of being seen. I decide to head back to the temple, I'm sure Windu wants a word or two with me.

"SKYWALKER," I was right. I hear the booming voice of Windu shoot past my ears as I enter the temple.
"Yes master?" I turn and face the angered man as he runs towards me.
"What made you think you had the right just to storm out of the meeting?" He questions, staring intently at my eyes.
"I'm sorry master, there was somewhere I had to be,"
"Like what?" I quickly fashion a lie in my head,
"Tatooine, it would have been the day my mother died, I owed it to Lars to attend." All of this being a lie, but a believable one. It was around this time I lost my mother three years ago.
"I'm sorry for your loss," is all Windu can say. "Master Yoda awaits your presence Anakin,"
I head of down the narrow hallway until I reach the room in which Yoda is waiting for me.
"Worry, Young Skywalker, I sense in you," Yoda announces as enter the room. "A loved one? You are afraid to lose," I worry that he knows of my love for Padmé
"Jedi aren't allowed to love master,"
"Allowed to be in love, a Jedi is not. But to love, is key." He further explains.
"This is the day I lost my mother," I use the lie again as it seemed to fit the conversation.
"I see,"
"Is there anything you wanted me for master?"
"Merely to check on you, is all I wanted."
"Thank you master," I stand and bow before leaving, ready to head home.

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