Chapter 7

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I'm so happy, Anakin has two weeks meditation leave in the summer which isn't far away! Luke and Leia miss him so much when he's away and I love it how happy they are when he's home.

One month later

I walk into Leia's room to find Leia sat on her balcony, cross legged with her palms up and resting on her knee, eyes closed.
"What are you doing Angel?" I ask her, opening her closet and beginning to pack outfits.
"Meditating." She replies.
"How come?"
"Well if I'm going to be a better Jedi than Luke then I have to start now. He doesn't like mediating, he says it's boring but daddy says it's important."  Leia's vocabulary and mind is a lot smarter than it should be at her age, she truly is accelerating in every way. I don't want her to grow too fast however.
"I see, and what are you thinking about?"
"How proud daddy would be if I became a Jedi."
I sit myself beside her a put my arm around her, pulling her into my side and kissing the top of her head.
"Sweetie daddy will be proud of you whatever you turn out to do. He'll always be proud of you. But if you have your heart set on being a Jedi we will all be proud of you. You just need to try your best, and that's all anyone can ask."
"I will be a Jedi one day mummy, I can feel it." She goes back to her meditating position and I laugh. I leave her to her meditating and carry on packing her things.
"Leia honey I know you're meditating but could you help me pack some of your clothes."
"Why? Where are we going?" She asks, turning her head around and her eyebrows furrowed.
"It's a surprise, just come and help me pack please," I say, patting the clothes I'd already set out across her bed.
"Okay," she says as she plods over and starts picking outfits.
Once Leia is all packed I move onto Luke.
However he isn't in his room, but eavesdropping on a conversation Anakin was having with Obi-Wan over a comlink in the living room.
"Luke? What do you think you're doing?" I say, dragging out his name.
"What's a Sith Lord?" He asks. My face drops and I quickly bring Luke out of the room and into his own.
My mind isn't set for packing any more so it takes me a while to work out what he needs to pack.
"Is daddy a Sith Lord?" Luke asks after I didn't answer his first question.
"No lukey, Sith Lords aren't good people," truth is his father was a Sith Lord. Or at least on his way to becoming one. But he doesn't remember that.
It worries me that he was even on the subject of Sith Lords. That means Palpatine must be bothering he republic or planning an attack. Well he better wait until after our holiday.
Through the crack in the door I see Anakin walk angrily into our own room. I ask Luke to choose three toys to take with him and so he happily starts going through his toy chest.
My hand pushes the door open and Anakin is sat on the edge of the best, hunched over with his palms on his eyes and elbows on knees.
I sit beside him and place my hand on his back, leaning over so he can see my face.
"What's bothering you?" I ask gently.
"My vacation. It's been cut. Palpatines planning  an attack and they want me to be here." He replies, his voice cross and stern.
"Okay, so how much less holiday are you getting?"
"They are giving me 5 days instead of 2 weeks."
"What? That's 9 days less!"
"I know Padmé, I don't want to stop the trip to Naboo, you three stay the whole two weeks. You guys can stay with sola maybe and I'll just leave when I need to." He smiles at me, "I don't want you missing out on anything"
"No instead I'll be missing you!" I say, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"I'll be gone a while, but I should be back just after you get home,"
"If you come home that is."
"Padmé I'm a strong Jedi, I'll be fine I promise." Even though we both know he can't promise that.

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