Chapter 15

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I sat on the bench watching the coach make them do laps. One of the guys had been out drinking and partying so they had to pay the price while he sat out sick with a hang over. I watched Kendal come over to me and grab his water coming over to him.

"You ok" i asked looking up at him spray the water in his mouth. He nodded handing it back to me going back to his laps. One by one the other guys came doing the same. Most of them were fine but Kendal was SEXY.

"Hey girl i need you" the coach said calling me over. I couldve sworn i already told him my name. I went over standing next to him. "You can make your self useful with these players i want you to go over and give them water and make sure none of them are hurt" he said almost throwing me the waterbottle holder. I sighed looking at them all huddle into a group except Joey, he was over away from them on his phone. I walked up tapping one of the players offering him water only to be turned down.

Each player turned me down except Kendall but i think he just didnt wanna make me feel useless which i was anyways.

"You ok?" He asked walking me back to the bench.

I nodded sitting the bottles down looking at him, "Just nervous about this shoot after this" i said playing with my fingers.

"Dont be" he said kissing my forehead and running back to the field. I sat there watching them play while time flew by making me even more anxious.


We walked into the penthouse where the guy wanted us to go.

"There goes the model" he yelled walking downstairs smiling with a camera around his neck. He rushed down to shake my hand before kissing it. "Im Fabian and I look forward to working with you in the future...if you dont forget about me" he said smiling proudly. He turned his attention to Kendal shaking his hand. "We'll be up here" he said leading me upstairs. He went into his bag giving me an outfit and pulling out a make up kit. I went in the bathroom changing then came out and sat infront of the mirror while he did my make up. I kind of liked being treated like i was important and famous since i always had to do my make up myself.

"You look gorgeous" Kendal said walking in smiling. He snapped a quick picture before Fab pulled me to the spot i was supposed to stand at.

"Now just pose the best you can!" He yelled getting behind the camera.

I tried posing the best i could each time i heard the snap of the camera. I looked at Kendal standing there smiling, he was looking at me like i was the best trophy in the world which made me feel warm inside.

"Yasss hunty" Fab said putting the camera to side and smiling. "You are gonna be a star one day" he said making me smile big. Who wouldve ever thought a girl like me would end up here infront of Kendal King and some photographer. Some days i didnt even think i would live to the next morning and here i am.

"Why dont you turn the water on Jordan" Kendal said coming over there turning it on for me. I splashed it on me a couple times while Fab got his camera ready for more shots.


I got done taking pictures an hour later after having Latte breaks and food breaks, Kendal was there the whole time cheering me on. I ran to him jumping into his arms.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity" i said kissing him getting down and leaving him shocked.

I went back into the other room sliding on my clothes and coming back out.

"She's a natural i definitely wanna work with her more" Fab said twirling the small curl in his head. He looked at me coming over and smiling. "Ill keep in contact he said giving me his number" he hugged me and glanced at Kendal before disappearing into one of the rooms.

Kendal grabbed my hand leading me back to the car. "We can go back to my hotel now...Joey shouldn't be there still" he said opening the door for me. I just nodded watching him get in and start the car. He back out and headed toward his hotel.


KENDAL- What do you think about Jordan's lifestyle? 

Answer- I just wanna help her out i feel like she could be something better thats why i let her meet Fab. Who knows maybe we could be that couple everybody wants to be.




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