January 19, 2016 there is man with nothing but the cloths on his back and the surroundings that he has. Trying to remember what has happened, why he is even in this forest thinking of who his family is or even his name. Then he thinks... "what is my name anyway, it's David isn't it?" Then he starts to remember were he worked and he remembers he had worked at a factory that created plastic parts. But he still couldn't figure out why he was even here? But then he turned around and saw these foot prints that looked like shoe prints from a human and a water bottle. He followed the foot prints till he led into a bush covering his surroundings, so he turned around and he saw a big brown deer!... When he saw it he jumped up and was stuttered for a minute, then ran following the footprints of the deer when it has just ran. He then spotted it running over this hill into another patch of woods looking just like this forest he was in, leafless. When he was looking at the deer though it was no regular deer though it was a deer that had big feet that sort of looked like the prints he been following for a while now. He then though it was getting dark and worried that he better find a place to stay for the night, till morning. So he scavenged for twigs, branches, logs, and even leafs so he could make a bed off the ground. He then found the supplies he need to construct it, he thought to his elf he was not master survivalist but he did work at a factory that constructed plastic frames including beds so he had a image in his head. He then went right at it building the bed, and in 1 hour he had a fully equipped bed with side arms so that he wouldn't roll of it and it was about 4 feet of the ground. He thought of a fire but he knew he didn't have enough time to get the needed supplies and starts to assemble the fire pit and the wood to fuel the fire so he forgot about it and decided to just go to bed. Then about 4 hours later he woke up for a sec from and scratch coming from behind him and a
Had a bit of fear inside of him but he didn't want to worry and trying to go to bed. But then the morning arrived and he knew he had to get started scavenging for supplies bright and early. So he got up and got right to it getting supplies for the fire first. He was walking behind were he has slept last night and he saw scratch marks on a tree that might have been the noise that was behind him but, he move on and gathered the supplies for the fire and assembled it for the night. Then he thought he better find a food source for later to so he looked around for any berries or things he could he but he couldn't find anything. He then decide to find an animal, since there were no small things to eat. He then found a lake and had been carrying the water bottle he found when he woke up just for this reason. He took his water bottle and stuck it under water and filled the water bottle. He then put the cap on and put it in the pocket of his sweet shirt he had on when he also woke up. He carefully looked in the water for a fish he could kill and cook on the fire for the night but then he saw something In the water. He grabbed the nearest rock near him and threw it into the water were the moving object was. He hit it and it went to the top and it was a small fish. He grabbed it and he then went back to were his "camp" was and set the fish on top of one of the rocks that was circled around the fire pit. He grabbed three twigs and put two facing on the sides straight up and a longer stick on top of them across both of them and then took two long leafs like skinny but long and strong enough to tigh the ends of the twigs together. After that he grabbed to more leafs like the ones he had grabbed the tigh the twigs together and hanged them down from the top center of the branch then tighed the fish to the two leaves and was ready to be cooked. He waited till it started to get darker out and then tried to start the fire and it surprisingly started after 5 min of rumbing two twigs together then he grabbed enough twigs to keep it running for the night then after 1 hour of cooking the fish he had took it off and started to eat the fish. After he was finished with the fish he had went to bed for the next day.

Survival Along The River
AdventureJanuary 19, 2013 there was a man named David with nothing but the clothes on his back and his soundings. When he woke up in this leafless forest scavenging for food trying to remember how he got in this place. He then meets up with what he needs to...