He then wakes up later in the morning thinking in his head. Shoot I have to get started doing things! He thinks he has food, a fire, and a shelter but, it was getting cloudy and he guess it was going to rain. He decided to get up and get some kind of strong, long like leaves to put over his head to block the rain. He walked over to a patch of thick woods that he has discovered the other day. When he arrived there he saw the perfect kind of leaves that he would need to do this job. He walked over and grabbed as much as he could to use it for any things else. On his way back he saw a pretty long stick that look usefully so he went to pick it up and all the leaves fell out of his hand, so he knew it was going to be a pain to carry all these things so he went to his camp and dropped of the leaves. On his way back to pick up the stick he looked out across the hill were the deer ran the first day he got here and he didn't see anything. So he figured to go and grab the stick and when he got there the stick was gone? So he kept looking around and he led up to a small meadow of cut corn stalks and he knew this was a good find. He looked around and he saw the clouds covering the sky and turning darker by the minute. He had a good idea that it was going to rain so he rushed to look around for anything useful for him to use but there was not my but the corn stalks. He grabbed a big handful of corn stalks and headed back to camp and when he got there he dropped off the stalks and he saw that the stick was at his camp sight. Then next to the stick were footprints again leading in one way then out another way across the hills were the deer ran. He followed the footprints to the edge of the woods and saw them leading out a couple of feet till he couldn't quietly see the foot prints anymore and he thinks that they were leading to the other forest. He followed them to the other forest and when he arrived the footprints disappeared and he looked around to see if the thing that were making these foot prints was around. He saw something brownish with a bright orange, he figured to carefully walk over to the Orange and once he got there he saw a set up like his camp right here. He then knew somebody else lived around here or is in the situation that he is in. He scouted out this camp and there was a teepee and sort of like a tent. There was tables with all this delicious food that looked fresh. He also saw the fire running so he sat on the log that was near the fire that should have been for fuel for the fire but was for a seat. He saw a axe right next to him once he sat down, probably used to cut the fire wood to keep the fire going. He sat there for a minute to keep warm before he had to go back before who ever lived here came back. He knew he better hurry now to get out of there just in case if he should not be here. He then stood up and looked at all the delicious food and saw a pineapple. He looked around, snatched it then got out of there before he gets caught. On his way back he was looking for a sharp rock to use to cut the pineapple into small pieces to eat for later and the next day. Then when he was almost home he went to the lake he killed the fish with the rock. He got there then looked around because he knew rocks were around there. He saw a perfect light,small, and skinny rock to sharpen and use for a knife. He looked in the water again and he saw something move again. He wanted to hit it to see if it was another fish but he couldn't do it. He knew he was out of energy and couldn't throw the rock hard enough to hit and kill whatever was in the water. So he used the water bottle he found on day one and filled it up with water and put it back in his sweatshirts pocket. Then he walked back to his camp and dropped off all the good he found today. He was glad that the clouds were cleared and it was not going to rain. It was getting later so he grabbed some of the corn stalks he found today to start his fire. So he rubbed a stick fast enough to start a flame against another stick. Then he stuck it under the corn stalks and there was the flame. He was so glad, he then took the rest of his fish and tighed it to the leaves again and heated it up. When that was heating up he grabbed the rock and sharpened it with a tree to make it sharp enough the got right to cutting the pineapple. When he was done with that he also took off the the fish and took leafs and tighed them together for a plate structure. Then he grabbed his food he was not going to eat and put it in the leafs and wrapped it up and put it under his bed. He started eating his food and it was delicious. After he was done he figured to go to bed even though it was just getting dark to have a lot of energy for tommorow. The next morning he woke up right when the sun was coming out since he went to bed early last night. He woke up and knew he had everything he need so he thought about the one camp he saw the other day. He figure he better take a risk and find who lives in that camp. When he arrived he looked at the camp before he went to it and he saw something move. He thought it was a human till he started talking and he knew it was a human. He hollered "hey u there I don't mean no harm." "Can you come out here so we could talk." "By the way..., sorry I searched out your camp yesterday and I took a pineapple." The human in the woods said back hello somebody there? He started to walk out the woods. David was frightened if something would happen and once he stepped out of the would he said, "hello my name is Earl, what yours?"

Survival Along The River
PertualanganJanuary 19, 2013 there was a man named David with nothing but the clothes on his back and his soundings. When he woke up in this leafless forest scavenging for food trying to remember how he got in this place. He then meets up with what he needs to...