Alex § Alec

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Alec (darker hair) & Alex (lighter hair)They are my smaller twin brothers

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Alec (darker hair) & Alex (lighter hair)
They are my smaller twin brothers... They are like a drop of water because dear lord when they both actually have the same hair color and dress the same you can't tell them apart.

Expect when they speak one has a deeper voice than the other.

Alec is older than Alex by 5 minutes. But is shorter than Alex by 2 inches. And the fact  that one could get a girlfriend doesn't help much but they are always together if you take one the other goes too...

But I love them even though they are annoying... Sometimes

(This photo is like 2 years old 😱)

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(This photo is like 2 years old 😱)

~Bio~ [A.N.G.E.L]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora