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I'm just putting a random bio of my brother XD

I'm just putting a random bio of my brother XD

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He's actually my half brother
(different mom)

Name: Ethan
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0 (I think he grew I don't know)

He is really rude and mean and always has a damn pockerface when you see him at first but he actually has a very very very small warm side to himself

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He is really rude and mean and always has a damn pockerface when you see him at first but he actually has a very very very small warm side to himself. He smiles which I'm glad he does otherwise I would be scared O.o. He is so intimidating but chill to talk to.

Anyways that was random.

Pai Pai

~Bio~ [A.N.G.E.L]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora