Beautiful Brooklyn

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After the surgery had happened the only others left in his hospital room were Chris and his father. They had put him on a numbing medication that had caused him drowsiness and speech problems.

"D-dad!" It came out in a raspy whisper. He raised his arm and reached towards them, just to find that he couldn't reach out any further because of the IV drip was connected to his skin.

Both Chris and his father jerked their heads up and went immediately to his side.

"Son..." His dad began, wiping the tears from his eyes. "You're okay!"

Mason smiled. "O-of c-c-course D-d-dad. D-did you t-think that I w-wouldn't m-m-make i-it?" The speech problems were starting to sink in.

His best friend shook his head and leaned away from him, his lips trembling. "N-no... It's just great to see that you're okay." He wanted to so badly give Mason a great big bear hug. He didn't know, poor Mason didn't know what he had in store for him. He didn't know since he was knocked out from the surgery.

"D-duh Chris I-I'm fine. D-d-did s-something h-happen to anyone e-else?" H-how long w-was I o-out for?" Mason panted in exhaustion. It was a lot of hard work to talk. He breathed in and out deeply, trying to restore the tiny bit of energy stored inside of him.

Chris opened his mouth to speak, but his father covered his mouth quickly before he could, leading to muffled noises. Both eyes met and somehow communicated silently for after a minute, leaving the patient out of the silent party. His dad slowly uncovered Chris's mouth, facing his hospitalized son.

"Nothing happened Mas," he reassured, though his voice sounded rather gloomy. Can you believe it? The great noisemaker, Chris, is sounding gloomy. That's a first. "You've been out all day and...well we're just a bit worried. That's all."

"W-where's m-mom and e-e-everyone e-else?"

"I ... told them to stay at their homes. They have an...event to planned and it wasn't like you were going to...die." On the word "die", the whole room was filled with grief.

"Yeah I'll...I'll just call them now," Chris reached for his cellphone and took once last tearful glance at his best friend. "Just to tell them that you're awake." He walked out, leaving the two to resort to silence. Mason was tired and weary, but he knew that he was awake enough to know something was wrong. Chris seemed less fun and more worried and it was easy to see that his dad had lied to him. However, he didn't think about it for too long and soon drifted back to sleep, dreaming of a dark unwelcoming sea, not wanting to pull him out.

It's has been a week now, and Mason was starting to feel better. He was still really tired and didn't really go out of his house much, but he could get up and about, walking to places. He was getting well faster than the doctor had predicted and it wouldn't be too long until he was back to hanging out with friends and just being his normal self with his brand new heart.

However, there was something wrong. Mason could feel it. All of his family members and Chris felt it, though only Mason could actually voice it out. Everyone had been awfully quiet this past week, only going out and being active to do their jobs or meet together (without Mason for a reason he wasn't so sure about. Thought it was a surprise party, but lost sight of that possibility) . His family moped around, only saying one or two sentences to each other. His friends wouldn't call or text him unless he was the first to, but it always ended after he replied once or one or two minutes after saying hello.

They never seemed to do anything, but they did do one thing. They would always tell him that they were going to Sonic Boom. When he texted them, they would say they wee going to that music store. When he called they would just announce hey were going to The Spot and end the call. Even his parents, who don't take that much interest in music, declared that they were going to The Spot, always coming home with a keyboard or new guitar strings. It was like going to that store was a new trend now a days. Mason didn't know what Brooklyn or her dad did to make everyone want to go, but it always confused him when his parents would come home with bloodshot eyes and return to their room late at night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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