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Headcanon that Denmark leaves his Legos all over the house. Like A LOT of Legos.
Each of the Nordics have their own way of reacting to it.

Finland tries to avoid them as best he can but sometimes he decides to just have fun with them. He picks them up and does whatever the hell he wants with them. Once he even built a big badass skull throne. As for stepping on one... He'll let out a loud scream and then scold Denmark but forgives him.

Iceland doesn't even TRY to put up with it. He'll just push all of them off to the side and pray that he doesn't step on them. He'll also push them in Denmark's way when he walks by to get back at him. Turns out Denmark is immune.

Sweden of course doesn't really care he's too busy building furniture and shit. But there was that time Denmark poured a bucket of Legos on him. Let's just say Denmark tried to make sure his Legos stayed out of Sweden's path from then on.

Norway. Oh god. Denmark likes to be a d*** about it with him. He'll make sure almost ALL of the Legos end up in Norway's path. Norway gets super mad.  The guy who barely shows any emotion when stepping on a Lego, turns into a hellhound! You'll hear a LOUD scream and then another scream from Denmark as Norway casts a spell on him to turn him into a cat or something.

And that is my headcanon.

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