Chapter 21

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Nyssa spoke into the tiny earpiece with a built-in microphone as the car rounded another bend.  “Almost there.”

The GPS indicated a turn up ahead in a dull monotone that made Leah shift uneasily in her seat.  They had planned a complicated route, one that had them going out into town in one of the delivery vehicles, switching cars and then doubling back halfway, before finally meeting with Kane’s guy on a quieter stretch.

“You’re doing great, hon.” Cody’s voice came through encouragingly.

It was twenty minutes past midnight.  The sky was clear, and a few cars were still on the road.  There had been a concert in town tonight.  As they took a left, moving away from the bright lights of town, a flutter of apprehension ran down Nyssa’s spine. 

Reed was still missing.  The yacht hadn’t moved in the last two days and three dots still blipped on the screen back home.

She glanced at the rearview, saw nothing but the velvety darkness behind them, and the unease grew. 

“Something’s not right, yes?”  Leah asked breathlessly, watching Nyssa’s hand tighten on the wheel. 

“Don’t worry.  We’ll make sure Declan’s behind us before we make the stop.”  Nyssa told her.

“What’s wrong?”  Cody asked quickly.

“Nothing yet, just a feeling.”  Nyssa confirmed tightly.

“Your feelings have yet to be incorrect, love.  Keep moving, take the next left and get back on the freeway.  The more cars you have around, the less chance there’ll be of trouble.  Declan’s on the road a few miles behind you.  I’ll let him know where you’re headed.”

“Okay.”  She expelled a breath and took the left as he told her.

Leah’s heart rate shot up a notch.  The plan had changed.  Nyssa pulled out a little pouch from her top pocket and handed it to Leah. 

“Put one of these on.”

Leah squeezed the little capsule sized device between her fore-finger and thumb to activate it, and then slipped it into her right ear as she’d seen Nyssa do earlier.  It felt uncomfortably squishy and odd.

“Hey, sweetie.  Answer if you hear me.”  Cody came through clearly.  

“I hear you.”  Leah half smiled. 

It was a strange feeling to have a voice in your head, but knowing that they were not completely alone in this was also somewhat soothing.

“Dec’s on his way.  There’s a bridge coming up ahead.  You’re less than a minute from the pass.  Go up and pull over.  He’ll be with you in five.” 

This time when he spoke, both of them heard him.

Nyssa shot a glance at the rearview again.  Out of the darkness, headlights suddenly glared behind them glowing like two bright orbs and taking her momentarily off focus.  She squinched her eyes against the brightness.  The car swerved slightly and she gasped.  “We don’t have five minutes.  There’s a car coming up behind us, fast.”  She took one hand off the steering wheel and tested her seatbelt.

How the heck did he know where to find them?

Leah held on to the dash, closing her eyes as Nyssa picked up speed.  Instead of making headway, they zigzagged crazily before Nyssa pulled the car back onto the road.  He’d slammed into them taking the taillights out. 

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