Chapter 2 (Justin)

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   "I don't know man. I feel like this summer's just gonna be the same as every other summer around here." I'm having the same conversation, with my best friend Kyle, that we've been having for about a month now.  Sure we have fun around here, but the thing is, it's always the same fun; every year ding the same thing. "Okay you're exaggerating here. There's different things to do." "Like what Kyle?" He stands at a loss of words. "I don't know man! Stop being such a Danny downer!" he picks up a basketball and throws it at me. Fortunately  I catch it before it hits my face. "You do know it's Debbie downer, right?" "But you're not a girl," he responds confidently. "You're right dude, my mistake." It's best to make him feel smart for a least a little while. The two of us usually spend our free time at the park doing regular teenage guy stuff; and no I don't mean smoking or drinking, that stuffs not for me. If we're lucky Austin joins us, but he's usually studying or doing summer homework. He's a good friend, but he's a nerd. 

   "So did you see the new guys?" I can honestly say I have no idea what he's talking about. "You know, the empty house down the street from you? It was sold last week?"he explains. It takes me a moment before I realize what he's talking about. "Oh! No not yet. I think they move in today or tomorrow actually." "Maybe you"ll get lucky and there'll be a cute girl moving in." He's a pig, but he's my best friend so I usually let his remarks slide. "Yeah, maybe." I won't lie, that would be nice. Cute girls are nice to have around, and someone new would be good. Something exciting needs to happen in this town.

   Kyle and I walk back to my house to get lunch. As we round the corner I see a huge moving van down the street. It's about five houses down from mine, across the street; next to Mr. Miller's house. Mr. Miller is this older guy who I work for. It's not a huge job, just gardening, cleaning, odd jobs here and there. It puts a couple bucks in my pocket so I'm not complaining. There's no other car at the house so I'm guessing the family isn't here yet. We walk past the house without investigating anything. 

   "Hey mom, hey dad", I greet as I walk in my front door. "Oh hi boys, you here for lunch?" my mom always has food ready, any day anytime. "Yeah, do we have enough bread?" "Son your mom always has enough bread. She's had sandwiches ready for five minutes," my dad states. Sure enough, there's two plates ready for us on the counter.  I gotta love my mom for that. As we begin stuffing our faces I hear my dad clear his throat. "You two eat like you're starving," he scoffs. "We are starving doctor B. Basketball takes a lot out of you you know," Kyle responds.  That's Kyle, never thinking deeper an inch. "Okay Kyle. Anyway have you guys heard about the newbies yet?" I ask my parents. "No not yet, the moving van pulled in about ten minutes before you guys. I'll bake some cookies for you to take over once they're settled in," my mom says. "Cookies mom?"I question. "What's wrong with cookies?" she responds. I look at my dad to get me out of this. He shakes his head as if to say 'you're on your own'. "Nothing, it's just, uh, um, save some for me." That was a close call. If I insulted my mothers cookies then I would have to bake them myself, and me and baking do not mix well. It's not that they're bad, it's that she makes them for every single occasion. Trust me they're amazing, but they get annoying after a while. I'm not going to be the one to tell her that though. I'd rather avoid having my head ripped off.

   After we finish our lunch, Kyle and I decide to go scope out the new family, who drove in while we were eating. My family is kind of nosy in that way. So we don't look suspicious, I bring the basketball. Just two guys walking around dribbling a basketball. Yeah yeah I know, pathetic. We're about two houses away and I see a toy car roll out into the street. Well that either means a toddler, or a pack rat. To answer my question, a little boy peaks his head around the side of the giant van. "Mommy! I'm getting my car!" he calls. "Oh no you don't!" A middle aged woman rounds the van and scoops up the boy. I hear her scolding the boy about not going into the street without supervision. Meanwhile the car is slowly rolling across the street. "Well no girls, lets go man", Kyle says. Before he can walk away I hit him in the shoulder and walk towards the car. By now its rolled almost to our side of the road. I pick it up and start to take it back. The little boy is watching as I walk. "You're not gonna take my car are you?" he asks. "No buddy, just getting it for you. Here you go." He takes the car and smiles. Well there's my good deed of the day. "Thank you sir, that was very kind of you", the lady says. "Oh please ma'am, I won't go by sir until I'm my dads age. I'm Justin Burke, I live about five house down hat way", I point to my house "Well Justin, it's very nice to meet you." She shakes my hand. "Thank you again." "Oh no problem, happy to help." I turn to walk away and I hear a tiny voice. "My name's Tommy!" I turn to the boy holding his hand out to me. "Well it's very nice to meet you Tommy." I shake his tiny hand. "You have a very nice car there." He clutches the car. "I know I do. Thank you for getting it." I give him a smile. He's definitely adorable.  "You're welcome. Well I should get going. welcome to the neighborhood." With that I turn and walk back to Kyle waiting across the street. 

   "Dude, there's no cutie, you don't have to suck up so much." Like I said before, not a lot of common sense, but he's  my best friend, so what can you do? "Dude, it's called being polite, or friendly, or nice." "Whatever man, at least one of us is a good person." We both laugh as we head back to my house.


   "So son, you saw the neighbors? Anybody interesting?"my dad asks. I know he's really asking if there were any girls. "Oh yeah, really cute little boy. Tommy. Loves cars." I give my dad a childish grin. "You are your fathers son Justin", he says. I laugh with him. "Ha ha, I know. But to answer your implied question, no, not that I saw." "Well your mother's already started the cookies so maybe you'll get another look." What is it with these people wanting me to meet a new girl. "I swear, you and Kyle, pigs!" I yell at him.

 "And it's a good thing you aren't. We've raised you better."

 "Dad, you just called yourself a pig." "Not what I meant. I just meant that you deserve someone... uh...nice." He's not usually the one to be all lovey dovey, it's kind of weird. 

"Yeah okay, thanks dad."

    After watching an episode of survivor with my family I decide to retire to my room for the night.  As I head up the stairs I stop at the window to close the curtains, before I can pull them together, I look out and see a girl walking down the street. I can't tell if she's tall or not. She has long blond hair, and is wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Is she coming or going? I can't tell. I wait for a couple seconds, hoping she won't see some creeper standing in their window starring at her. She turns into the driveway next to Mr. Miller's. I guess I must've missed her earlier. She is one of the new neighbors. "Huh, interesting."

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