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In the calm suffer of love
I am joined to the earth at birth,
In the midst of my creation.
Weaved carefully into the vine work of the forest
Spiraling out in small fragile yellow flowers
Against the rugged surface of the weeping willow;
Its branches drooping towards nature's ethereal heart,
Soil spawning tiny leaves of grass utop the unknown.
I may find hell amid these grounds,
Its devious whisper of constant reclaim;
Snaking its dark streaks of black paint
Onto the canvas of my soul
The gallery of my heart.
But I may recognize love
Its grasping reality
Its anchoring promise,
Upon the rising day.
I also may discover again,
Everything I seek to destroy
Within the breaking of my health and disposition
But today I see the sun,
And that is enough.
Shadows go onward!
seek another foundation
To build your prison walls upon.

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