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Justin: bangun tidur ku terus Mandy

Mandy: stfu

Justin: sorry
Justin: what r u doing?

Mandy: not in the mood

Justin: what happened?

Mandy: kenapa aku harus memberitahumu

Justin: cus we are friends

Mandy: friends?

Justin: ya
Justin: I know your name and you know my name
Justin: so ya, we are friends 💖

Mandy: whatever

Justin: back to topic
Justin: what happened to you?

Mandy: everybody said that I am not good enough, I'm not worth it, so I hate my fucking life

Justin: what?
Justin: no, you're means something for me
Justin: don't kill urself from this beautiful world just because of their bullshit opinions
Justin: you got me, sweety
Justin: life is worth living

Mandy: wow
Mandy: u sounds like Justin Bieber

Justin: what?

Mandy: life is worth living is his song

Justin: ohh I don't know that

Special thanks to @DrewBieberBoo for inspiring me 'bangun tidur ku terus mandy'

Should i keep or delete this story?

Drunk Text ft. bieberTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang