Chapter 1

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What does love feel like... Never in my life I've never felt such sadness. Why do I exist?.. I'm just another stone. Lying on the ground waiting for purpose.

I don't know what to do anymore. I've seen many terrors in front of my own eyes. I've been beat up by people that turned their backs on me. I endure the pain I've felt, but I never fixed it. I'm broken and unfix-able. No one thinks I'm 'worthy' of being their friend. Why do I think this you may ask? The answer is simple. I've been stabbed in the back many times, people have tried to make themselves feel better, they target the weak and they strike a blow, bursting your chest with pain you thought you would never feel.

My name is... Oh Sehun. I'm just a lone survivor from those terrors I've experienced. No one knows who I am. They just know that I'm a man, gazing into the sky. But I'm more than just a man gazing into the sky. I hope that we all will be able to be happy. Sadly no such thing exist, just the pain you experience and endure. It started last week. I felt so happy when it happened. He looked at me in a way that made me smile back. It made me feel secure, not wanting to give two fucks about the others.

-1 week ago-

The alarm went off, waking up Sehun. It took him about a minute to shut off the alarm. He was always wanted sleep, it was almost like his safe haven. No one can interrupt the perfect moment, except the alarm. He got up from his bed, rubbing his eyes. He walked to his closet, grabbing a pair of black tight jeans and a white v-neck along with his towel. He walked to the bathroom and removed all his clothes, placing them next to the sink. He entered the shower, turning on the hot water. He never like hit water because it would make his skin dry. He turned on the cold water as well to make warm water.

It was just the temperature he wanted. He took a nice 20 minute shower because of the comfort he was in. His shower was pure heaven. As he bathed, all he thought of was the other people. How isolated he'd been for the past 14 years, how no one would listen to him. Sehun finished his shower and grabbed his towel, drying every part of his body. He focused mainly on his hair as it was his best feature in his opinion. It was soft, silky, and smooth. But no one ever questioned him because maybe they thought he was disgusting, ugly, dumb. Sehun didn't care, he just wanted to make himself happy again.

He finished drying his hair, putting on his clothes afterwards. He grabbed a pair of socks along with some Converse. He looked in the mirror and put on a cylindrical ear piercing on his left ear. Sehun sighed, he thinks he hasn't done enough. He feels like he needs to do more than just let others isolate him. He stopped thinking about it, instead grabbing his bag and walking to his school.

"I wonder what bullshit will happen today... Maybe I'll get jumped, beaten up... I'll fight if I have to." This is all Sehun thinks on his walk. What will happen to him during school. It's always been like this for him since... His event happened. He finally made it to the front door of his school. He saw people glance at him with disgust. Sehun looked down and walked to class, avoiding eye contact with anyone that he passes.

He entered his classroom, sitting down and took out his binder and his notebook. As he took them out, he noticed a young man enter the room. He looked VERY young. He had pale skin, nice legs, slender arms, nice hands, and was shorter than him... Sehun slowed his movement as he stared the male even more. Eventually he noticed Sehun and waved at him with a smile. He froze in place, not knowing what he should do. He gulped and his heart started beating faster. He then started sweating a little. Sehun didn't know what to do, it was like he fell into a trance.

The teacher then walked in and brought the rookie to the front of the room. "Good morning class, it seems we have a new student I see... Why don't you introduce yourself," the teacher asked. The rookie nodded, "Hello, my name is Byun Baekhyun. Pleasure to meet you all." He smiled and was looking specifically at Sehun. The others were surprised of how beautiful he was.

And this is where my story began... How some people don't get a happily ever after...

Hey guys! I'm back with another story. Found the others were crap and I've recently been writing a lot in my 'storybook'. Came up with a lot of ideas and came up with the best plot I possibly could. Trust me, this will have SEVERAL mind blowing events. Anyways, I hope you continue reading the story! If you have any suggestions for me to add to the story, that would be great. See you guys later!

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