Chapter 4

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"Your lips felt great..." Sehun said, grinning at the male. "I mean, I do use Vaseline a lot, gets rid of the dry skin on my lips, seals in moisture. I also drink a lot of water which is why I have an entire mini fridge," Baekhyun said, exposing his 'secrets' to warm and moist lips. "Let's start shall we?.. We don't have all day to finish this?.. I mean we kinda do, but I just want us to be the first to be done so we can have a free day tomorrow! Spending time in the sun, walking around, maybe a picnic with your family... All the things we've seen in the movie," Sehun said.

BaekHyun chuckled, "Let's start." He opened his bag and took out the homework packet that was for the both of them. It was 10 pages long. "Why does the professor have to give us this much homework?.. He expects us to finish in two days! How am I supposed to do at least have of it..." Sehun burst out, unwilling to do these pages of work. "Calm your tits. All of these problems are simple," The shorter male said, as he looked through page after page.

After 5 minutes of looking through the homework, BaekHyun finally gave a response. "This is easy, I could finish it by myself. But its partner work and I really just want to finish it on my own..." Sehun was shocked on how BaekHyun saying it was easy, "I don't understand half of the questions on the first page, I'm so clueless." As he looked through the paper BaekHyun was holding, Mr. Byun walked in and interrupted their session. "Hey, BaekHyun can we talk for a little bit?.. It's something that I should discuss with you." The youthful male nodded his head, "Of course, as long as it doesn't interfere with anything." 

BaekHyun stood up from his desk, "I'll be right back, won't take long. I promise I won't leave you in the dark. Just do anything you wish as long as it isn't bad, alright?" Sehun nodded his head, "Alright." As the older male left the room and closed the door, he started scanning around the room and saw pictures of him younger with his family. As he examined them closer, he saw that in some pictures he wasn't smiling. In his mind, all he could think of was if he was doing fine in the past but those questions are left unanswered. He was vague, wanting to ask BaekHyun.

There was one picture that stood out to BaekHyun the most. He saw a picture of another man with him. Sehun lifted the picture and brought it closer to his face, looking surprised. Examining the face, he wondered who the man was and why he was with BaekHyun. He created many scenarios in his head why he seemed happy in this picture. As he continued to look at the picture, he smiled. He was happy that BaekHyun was happy, chuckling.

As he zoned in looking in the picture, he started hearing shouting outside the room. The voices sounding familiar in his head. He approached the door and it started heating up. "...maybe you shouldn't be telling me who I should be, you diphead!" Sehun raised his head and put his ear against the door, trying to eavesdrop on the fight. 

"Shut the hell up! You're a disgrace to our family, I should have never transferred you to that school you little piece of shit!" A voice decided to counter, "I'm sorry, no one liked me at the other one! Besides, all you care about is your work. Work on this... Work on that... Now you're telling me I should've never been to this school?! Why don't you shut your bitch ass up? There was a reason I never said the word love to you maybe because this is the reason!"

"Maybe because I didn't love you in the first place!" Sehun's eyes widened, backing away from the door. "God your such a cry baby... Why the hell did I give birth to you in the first place..." Sehun opened the door and went saw the scene. His dad was standing a couple feet from the room, to the right was the male in tears having the support of his mother. "I'm so confused... Wha- Wh-" Sehun was speechless, he didn't have any words to say. Mr. Byun looked at the the three in anger. His ears were on fire.

"Sehun, can you watch BaekHyun for a while? I think it isn't safe for him here right now. Especially when he's here. I understand if your parents won't allow it," Mrs. Byun asked. Sehun immediately responded, "No! No! It's fine. My parents will allow it. They love helping people..." Mrs. Byun nodded her head looking at BaekHyun, "Well... Baekkie dear... You'll be staying with Sehun for some time. I'm doing this for your safety. He'll take good care of you, I promise. We'll get through this. All of us."

Sehun kneeled down to BaekHyun, wiping away his tears. He touched his face, comforting BaekHyun. "I'll protect you with my life BaekHyun. I promise I won't let anything happen to you. I won't forgive myself ever if I fail..." Mrs. Byun smiled at Sehun, "I know you'll do what you need to do Sehun. You're a good... boyfriend to BaekHyun. I hope you two get situated together." The tall male responded, "Yes, mom. I'll be sure to do so. I should probably help him pack up now should I..."

Mrs. Byun nodded her head, she went into BaekHyun's room to pack up clothes and some of his favorite snacks, Korean Rice Crackers, Baked Biscuits, etc. Sehun and BaekHyun walked in the room to help Mrs. Byun pack up. "I figure you know what you need, right BaekHyun?.." The son nodded his head, starting to put t-shirts, skinny jeans, a varsity jacket, etc. into two separate luggage bags.

As Sehun helped pack up, he picked up the picture once more and looked at it. "Wondering who that man is aren't you?.." BaekHyun asked the taller male. Sehun nodded his head.

"His name? Park ChanYeol."


I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! If you did, make sure you vote. If you didn't, leave a comment on what I can improve on. EXO - Lotto came out and I've been obsessing about it ever since. I've been hitting BaekHyun's high note quite often now when I sing. Let me know what your favorite part of Lotto is! If you didn't enjoy it, well then feel free to state your opinion. Anyways, bye potatoes!

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