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It all began after she escaped that awful place

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It all began after she escaped that awful place

That lab

She had run through the night trying to get away

But never stopping

By the time she reached the river near the village

She was exhausted

She saw the light
Thought she was caught

And that's when she saw her face
The face of an angel

Ella ,Ella was her angel
She had saved her that night

Nameless Ella had decided to call her amber as all this girl could remember was the A she was referred to as

Amber had been with Ella since she was 8 she's now 12

The two girls had fallen in love

People had started to disappear in the village one night just after Ella's 13th birthday

Ella now older then amber was but was still surprised by ambers question "will you give your heart to me?"

She had asks so sweetly Ella had smiled and nodded "of course but in return you must give me yours"

Amber had seemed troubled but smiled "clockwork shall change for you" those words had confused Ella "it's a promise" after a kiss to her lips amber had disappeared

Since that night mangled body's had been turning up by the riverside Ella met amber at

Always 8 days later
Always missing there hearts

Amber seemed happier then ever always walking with Ella hand in hand

Like always

Ella hadn't expected it to happen that night but it had

The village was set on fire by unknown attackers

Houses where raided and amber burst into Ella's room covered in blood that was not her own

Blood of another that she had just murdered the heart still firmly grasp in her hand

The fear Ella had shown as amber tried to save her was too much

That's when the incident to change both there lives and hearts happened

And Ella finally understood everything

No human could do that
No human eyes would glitch like that
Then the heart was pulled from her chest

Amber always avoided water and on the night of her death Ella understood why

She was something other then human

Amber hadn't meant to do it

She was shaking as she looked at the bleeding heart in her hand

Ella's heart

She had promised it to her
Had tried to take it back after she found out

She had struggled and then amber had done the unthinkable

Sitting there and shaking wasnt enough she didn't know what to do

Ella wouldn't wake up

She couldn't understand why
Why her heart was like this

She heard the footsteps and turned the gun placed at her head

The small click he was ready to shoot

After all these years he had found her

"But why" those whispered words where all amber could say

His response was unthinkable
But truthful
And deadly serious


"Your an ai , artificial intelligence

And it's time for you to be turned off"

Looking up at him she shakes lightly "but I just wanted to live ...." She looks down at the fallen girl

Her lover

"I just wanted to be alive" she whispers tears running down her face as her eyes glitch slightly

He looks down at her sadly "I know but part of being alive is death .... And it's time for you to be shut off"

With those words he pulled the trigger

Her eyes widened and she fell back on the floor glitching slightly

He seemed sad
Her creator

But then he saw something he thought he could never see ,her mechanical heart of clockwork was no longer just that

It was red fading to blue
Pieces had been replaced

And it was bleeding

Machines don't bleed

So she had become human but at what cost ..

The two body's lie there

Now both human

Hands barley touching

Forever alone

Forever out of reach

They said it couldn't be done

They where wrong

It shouldn't of been done

For you see what is machine can only become human at a price that is so high no human could possibly pay it

A human couldn't do it
So for a machine to become human it can't be done

For you see a machine can never replace the clockwork in it's heart without a soul

A soul is needed but to achieve a human status you must first give up that soul

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