Charter 6 - Meet our familys!!! (Part 1)

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Chiharu: Matt!!!
Matt: What??
Chiharu: I'm nervus!!
Matt: Zoey, is she often this nervous???
Zoey: Yeah, every time we had physical exams in school she got so nervous that she would cry...
Matt: Poor little Chi-chan....
Zoey: Yeah....
Chiharu:I would still do that....

- Ten minutes later-

Random child: (looks at Mello) Why do you look like a girl???
Mello: ME??? LOO....
Matt:(Puts a hand over Mello's mouth) Aren't you a cute one??
Child: Mom!!! A pedophile is talking to me!!!!
Mom: No, honey... he is just being nice. (Whispers to Matt and Mello) Sorry about him...          
Zoey: To bad...
Mello: Why are you always so mean...😢
Chiharu: I don't wanna do this!
Matt: Well, I think it's a little to late.
Chiharu: Don't act like you wanna do this!
Matt: Hey, you didn't let me commit suicide!
Chiharu: Don't change the subject!
Mello: Seriously, another fight...?
Chiharu: It's not a fight!! It's an argument!!
Mello: Same thing!!
Chiharu: No it isnt!!
Mello: Yes it is!!
Zoey: Don't fight with my boyfriend!!
Matt: Yeah!! Isn't it enough to fight with me!?
Chiharu: What....the...hell??
Chiharu: When are we arriving to Sweden??
Zoey: It would be like....!

*voice from speaker* var snälla och spänn fast säkerhetsbältet!!( please be kind and put on the safety belts!!)
Matt and Mello: What??
Zoey: They said: please be kind and put on the safety belts!!
Mello: Yeah...I knew that!
Matt: Sure...
Mello: YEAH!
Matt: mhm...                     
Chiharu: We're here!!
Zoey: Yeah...

             -some minute later-

Zoey: We're going to teach you how to take the buss in Sweden!!
Mello and Matt: Oh god....
Chiharu:(slips on the ice) Whoopshoot!!
Zoey: Va fan..?.?! (What the fuck..?.?!)                       
Mello:(dies of laughter)
Matt: Ehh.... Whoopshoot???
Chiharu: auch!!!
Matt: here you go...( takes Chiharu's hand and leads her off the ice)
Zoey: What the fuck?? Whoopshoot??
Chiharu: I'm a genius!! I'm gonna start saying whoopshoot!!
Matt and Mello: where are we staying over night by the way??
Chiharu: At my sister's place..
Zoey: Wich one??
Chiharu: Erica.
Matt: Oh god...
Mello: Congratulations Matt!!! You'll be the first one to meet your girlfriends family!!
Matt: Am I going to survive this??
Chiharu: Yeah, I think she will like you.... and her boyfriend also likes videogames so I think you guys will get along well!                  
Matt: Please don't tell me that you're sisters are overprotective...
Chiharu: Well, yeah... sometimes..
Zoey: Oh please, Matt is not a problem. They gonna love him! Mello is the problem!
Mello: Hey, stop being so mean!  
Zoey: there is the buss!!
Matt: Yeah..
Zoey: Mello and Matt! No shooting or swearing!! And no hitting!!
Chiharu: Come on!! (Walks onto the buss)
                   -an hour later-
Chiharu: We're here!!            
Zoey: Mello, I'm glad you didn't have any guns with you to Sweden.
Good job Matt!
Matt: I feel safe now.
Chiharu: (drags everyone to a apartment) (knocks on the door)
(Door opens)
Chiharu: Hi, Michael!!
Mello: Huh, did you just say my real name??
Chiharu: No, you idiot! I said Michael not Mihael!! He's name is Michael..(points at a tall guy that stands in the door opening)
Someone: My little shorty is home!!
Chiharu: Erica!! (Hugs)
Zoey: Well look at that...
Erica: Hi, Zoey!
Zoey: Hello!~
Matt: Uhhm... Hi, I'm Matt...
Erica: Oh, Hi Matt..( awkwardly hugs him)
Matt:(awkwardly hugs back)
Mello:(awkwardly stand in the background)
Michael: (looks at Mello) Then I guess you're Mello!
Mello: Yes...

(Baby cries inside the apartment)
Chiharu: *gasp* It's Sixten!!!
Mello: Another wierd name....
Zoey: Hey!!!(hits Mello in the head....again)
Erica: Haha, be kind to you're boyfriend Zoe!!
Zoey: Oh please, he gets what he deserves!
Mello: That's kind of true...
Erica: ...yeah...? Matt what do you work with?
Matt: Video games.
Zoey: I wish I played games all day...
Chiharu: *Facepalm(tree)*
Michael: I've found a soulemate...(Points at Matt)
Mello: Don't take my best friend please...
Chiharu: Yeah...the best friend you hits, kicks, pouch, threatens and shoots at!
Mello: Oh please, he's alive!
Chiharu: I wanna see Sixten!!
Erica: he's in our room...
Chiharu: (runs into the apartment)
Matt: (thinking to himself) That brat left me!!!!
Mello: you have any chocolate?
Zoey: Yeah.
Mello: (puppy eyes)
Zoey: I'm not gonna give you...😈
Mello: (Borrows Tamaki's emo corner)
Chiharu(Inside the apartmeny) He's so cute!!!!!!
Zoey: You don't think you could scream a little bit louder Chibi?!!!?
Zoey: Where is Bosse by the way??
Matt: he's with Near.
Zoey: Oh.... okay!!!
Mello: I'm glad I'm not there, I hate them both.
Zoey: Near is cute, and so is Bosse!
Matt: Huh...she didn't hit him...?
Mello & Zoey: WHAT IS HAPPENING???
Chiharu: (Holding a baby)
Matt: Naaaw...we have to get one of those.
Everyone( involving the baby): .....?
Mello: ...idiot...
Zoey: (turn around) that's was all for today guys, bye!~
Matt: Zoey, who are you talking to?
Zoey: No one...
Matt: .....sure.....

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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Our life with Matt and Mello(a Death note fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ