Chapter 0- Epilouge

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"I cant stay Dean! I'm just in the way and eventually, I'm gonna get you and Sam killed, we all know it!" You almost screamed as tears rolled down your face as you looked down at your feet. Your knuckles were turning white because you were clutching your bag so tight, full of your favorite possessions and memories of your family and the Winchesters. He didn't say a word. His mouth slightly gaped and wide eyed, more shocked than expressionless. "Just say something, please." You hoped, just one word would be fine as long as it was an acceptance of you leaving. "Do you seriously think I'm just gonna let you leave just like that?" You looked up at him his face looked worried yet angry and his eyes showed confusion."Why do you want to leave so badly anyway? You're like family to us and neither of us want you to leave. We will protect you at all costs!"  His voice was laced with concern and sadness. You hated him being upset and it tore you to pieces to see him on the urge of tears. "I'll see you round Dean, tell Sam to take care of himself, same goes for you. Goodbye." You said, avoiding his question and eye contact. You kissed his cheek and saw his facial expression had become straight up shocked. You walked out the door keeping as strong as possible, not as easy as said. You slammed the door shut and didn't look back. When you walked to your car you instantly called your family friend Chris. You had known Chris for years and never lost contact. He was a great friend and was always supportive and you knew if you needed anything you could go to him. "hello?" Came a very familiar voice from the other side of the line. "Hey Chris, its (Y/N)." "Oh hey! How you doin'?" he said in a rather excited tone. "Alright I guess, I was just wondering if I could stay with you and Laura for a little while?" you said, already knowing what he'll say but still hoping. "Yeah sure that sounds great! Is everything alright?" He said with worry suddenly hitting him. "I'll explain when I get to your place." "Alright see you soon." He said as he hung up. It wasn't a long drive, maybe an hour or two but that was nothing compared to some of the hunts you went on with the Winchesters. You had been driving for about an hour before you actually realized how much you already missed the Winchester brothers. Dean especially, you had to admit, you always liked Dean from the moment you met him. You knew you would never be more than friends and tried to ignore your feelings but they just got stronger and stronger. At this point you were almost crying and decided to pull over. Tears began pouring from your eyes and realizing that you should have told him how you felt before you left, but you couldn't. Even if you tried, you may have had the guts to fight demons, ghosts, you name it, but never the guts to tell Dean how you felt.

A/N: Hey! So this is my first fanfic ever!! and i really hope you guys enjoy it! Bye lovelies!!

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