Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys!! First off; HAPPY EASTER!! So I was on my way home from a 21st birthday last night at midnight and I had 4% on my phone so I wrote out a brief chapter overview of what would happen in this chapter. I kind of feel clueless as to what's going to happen in between the important stuff and now I have no idea what I'm writing so please don't bother reading this if I don't know I'm sorry. I'm too tired bye.

Today was the day. You decided today was going to be the day you start hunting with the Winchesters again. Oh has it been such a long time and you couldn't wait any longer. For the past 3 weeks you have been waiting to go hunting with them again but Dean insisted it was too dangerous and he wanted to keep you away from the danger of the unnatural. But today you finally were allowed.

Sam had found a case on four young men dead with slit throats and hearts and/or other internal organs missing all in the same town. The only reasonable explanation, Wendigo. "Hey guys I just found a lead the connection of the victims, we should get going to talk to the parents." Sam said as he ran into the room interrupting you and Deans snuggle time on the couch.

You took a quick shower and got dressed in your FBI gear, your white button up blouse, black blazer, pencil skirt and heels, never forgetting your badge. You were finally ready to go as the boys finished packing the car when you heard dean shout "(Y/N)! LET'S GO, WE'RE READY!!" "Alright no need to shout." You said as you ran down the stairs to give Dean a quick peck on the lips and his arm wrapped around your waist.

As you reached the house of the victim you saw a FOR SALE sign out the front of the house. "Obviously couldn't stay here without their son." Said Dean almost seeming like he read your thoughts exactly. You walked up to the house and rang the doorbell before straightening d up to the house and rang the doorbell before straightening our skirt slightly. When the door opened to show an elderly woman and a man next to her (presumably the dead man's older brother) you were welcomed in and you soon started asking questions to do with the man's friends, enemies, family, everything. "thank you so much for your help we will keep in contact." You said with a sympathetic smile and exited the house along with Sam and Dean. When you got back to the bunker you started research immediately and found the location of the wendigo.

You were speeding towards the abandoned building while discussing your plan on how to kill this son of a bitch. You all agreed that Sam would take the front entrance and you and Dean would take the back and enter the building after Sam. By the time you had finished you were there. As you got out of the car you loaded you guns and went to the back with Dean as Sam entered through the front. You reached the back entrance and stormed in as quietly as possible. You were searching the building with Dean and soon found yourself separated from Dean. When you found Sam you teamed up and were about to continue looking for Dean as you saw something that you would think to be in a nightmare.

A hand with long slender black fingers reached through the back of Sam's abdomen. He shouted in pain and you screamed "SAM!!!" and heard Dean rush in. just as Sam began to fall Dean ganked the wendigo and rushed to Sam. Dean immediately kneeled in front of Sam and hugged him and started to tell Sam that he was going to be alright and he would get better as you stood there with tears welling in your eyes. "Dean he's gone." You said quietly but enough for Dean to hear as you saw Sam's eyes fade of all life and you looked to the ground. "He can't be he's gonna be fine!" dean said rather loudly mainly trying to convince himself he was still here. You walked over to dean and hugged him. A few sobs escaped you and he soon hugged back, letting go of Sam's lifeless body. He began to cry and buried his face in the crook of your neck. You soon broke apart and led Dean to the car and you sped home. Little did you know of the decision Dean had made for his brother.

When you got home Dean rushed to your shared room and locked the door after slamming it shut. "Dean please open the door." You said in a soft pleading voice. "I just- I just need to be alone I'm sorry Y/N." He said, you could tell he was angry, upset and so much more. Who wouldn't be? "it's okay, but please come out soon." You walked away from the door and into the lounge room.

Over an hour later you heard Dean leave the room and come into the lounge room and sit next to you on the couch, not cuddling with you or anything. If anything it was more an awkward silence before he said something. "I'm sorry Y/N I've made my choice goodbye." Your face washed with fear and concern "Dean what do y-" "I can't do this anymore." He interrupted you and stood before giving you a kiss and exiting the room. You felt like you couldn't move until it hit you when he closed the door behind him. He had made a deal with a demon and he didn't have long at all. You tried to chase him out of the door but you took too long as you saw the impala speed away. You were on your own now and you couldn't do anything g about it except decide out of your two choices; you could continue hunting until you run into Sam again or live a normal life. The idea of a normal life was weird, a loving husband, children, everything you've always wanted. But only with Dean have you imagined that, but now he's gone and you have no one. Here we go...

A/N: OH MY GOODNESS GRACIANIOUS!!! That was the hardest chapter for me to write so far and It hurt me! I'm really sorry if you hated the idea of Sam dying I was mad at myself to but I have a finale already planned out!! Again apologizing... for the crap ending I had no idea how to stop it and I guess that's what just kinda happened! Alright see ya my yams! (I don't even know I'm sorry!)

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