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Mal's POV
I looked around the old room that I'm standing in. The room looked like a medieval castle with the columns, stone wall and touches with fire. I have no idea where I am or how I got here. I only recall hanging out with my boyfriend Ben and walking to my dorm from the date. I snapped back into reality and looked straight ahead to see a large flat stone with an old lamp on it. I walked up to it, my footsteps echoing through the room. The flames flicker as I get closer to the lamp, alarm bells go off in my head; is this a trap? I finally got to the lamp, the light around it bright the inches I get closer. I touched the lamp and I jumped in surprise, it's warm. I see engravings on the lamp so I squint and brought the lamp to my green eyes. " 'Whoever rubs this lamp opens up Jordan, the genie of this lamp' Jordan!" I read. My friend Jordan has just joined prep but she disappeared two weeks ago. Jordan could be in here! I sighed, lowering the lamp and rubbed it so I could release Jordan but I only saw darkness.

I slightly opened my eyes and groaned. "Stay down hon, you just dropped in here" a familiar voice said. I snapped my eyes open to reveal my close friend. Jordan has a slender figure, and unlike her father the genie, she has fair skin colour rather than blue. She has light blue eyes and long dark purple hair with violet highlights tied in a high pony tail. Under her right eyebrow, she has two dot markings and faint blue eye-shadow.
Jordan's wearing her usual harem pants, a top decorated in jewelry and a golden jacket on top. Around her waist she wears a violet waistband and wears black high heel ankle boots with golden heels. Her jewelry includes four golden bracelets worn on her left wrist, a golden necklace that resembles Princess Jasmine's, and wears a golden head chain that is centered with a sapphire. "Jordan, how are you? Everyone's been worried sick about you!" I exclaimed and hugged her (ignoring the pain). She let go of me and gasped "Really?!? I thought...that's not the point, why are you here? In my lamp?" I looked around and gasped at the lamp interior design. The blue walls were mostly covered by blue curtains and green vase like columns. The floor was wooden apart from the massive purple rug with fancy designs on it. The lights on the columns look like tear drops. Her desk is on the other side of the room. Her light purple bed is circler with pillows that very in shades of pink and purple. I'm currently sitting on a gold blue comfortable chair (A/N based off 'Genie Chick' Wicked World episode). "I love it here" I said. "Why thank you, I'm flattered but why are you here? I hate people in my lamp!" Jordan yelled. I put my hands up in defence "I'm sorry okay but came back from a date with Ben and I was standing in a room with a lamp and I realised it was yours" I explained. She gasped, knocking over a flower pot next to her. "No way!" She exclaimed. I stood up, shaking. "What's going on?" I asked. She shrugged and walked to me staring into my green eyes. Her light blue ones into my emerald green ones. "Have you noticed something different with your hair every time you're around Ben?" She asked. I shook my head, what does this have to do with the problem? She walked to her bed, her high heels making noises on the wooden floor. She sat down. "Go and look in the mirror next to you" she said. I turned to see and mirror, I walked over and turned to look at the mirror. I see my usual self; my slender body and my fair skin. My purple hair and green eyes. My usual purple and magenta leather coat with a green patch in my left shoulder, my purple leggings and black heavy boots. "Have you noticed you hair?" I looked in the mirror and looked at my hair; something clicked in my mind. I gasped. "Yes guessed it? Your hair goes shorter and lighter, which is very rare. It only happens to a true master at genie magic, my hair used to go dark blue like Evie's hair instead of it's usual dark purple and violet hair around my dad, and still does when I see him" I turned to look at her. "Are you saying I have genie powers? But how?" I asked her. She motioned me to sit next to her. "What I'm about to tell you only myself and my father knows. You got told the story that your mother was a fairy protecting a forest but the human she fell in love with cut off her wings?" I nod my head, many times to stop me from being an innocent little girl like she was. "Well that's not completely the truth. Your great, great, great grandmother is Piper, the most powerful female genie ever to live!"

I gasped, that's so cool, Piper was a legend to both villains and 'heroes'. She saved villains and heroes from Befriending. If they did, we wouldn't be here today and the villains would be nonexistent. "But, as you know, after she broke the alliance, she was cast out and left to be forgotten. But what on one knew was she went to the villains who welcomed her with open arms. She changed her appearance and locked her powers until the most worthy descendant of hers will unlock and have the powers of the genie" Jordan finished with a sigh. I looked at her with concern "What's wrong?" I asked. "The powers have the ability to cure anything and everyone with there problems, which is great but I don't know how to release lthe powers, the passage in my book about it is all messed up" I was about to ask who she knew it was me but she said as she walked to her desk "And before you ask, my rare gift of future telling told me it was you" I nod as she go the think, dusty book. I coughed as she sat next to me and banged the book down. She opened the think book to a page that's titled 'How to unlock the powers'. "I can't read any of the writing-" she started. I blocked out her voice as the letters on the page that were a muddle created words. "-are you even listening to me? Mal?" Jordan said. I gasped and said "I can read it, maybe only a descendant of Piper can read it" She nodded her head "That's true, they wouldn't want any old genie or human by any chance to get the book" she answered "Well read it!" I sighed and read the now purple writing. " 'if you are reading this you are the true holder to this power of mine, Piper of the genies. The feeling of getting these powers is confusing so pay attention. At the moment your current powers would be green flame due to Maleficent's evil ruling yes? when you get your powers, it will be gold dust, not like other female genies who have pink, blue or purple. The only other genie who has gold dust is Jordan, who can only use it at some points, in an emergency. All you have to do is relax and bring all magical thoughts to your mind, bring the person who changes your hair in your mind and you'll feel a slight change in your body, something that feels weird. Don't worry about it that much yet. You'll feel a tug in your heart like a heart attack and you'll most likely be in pain for a couple of seconds and black out for a minute. I'm sorry to say it but the pain is like someone stabbing you..." I look at Jordan with worry who nudges me to continue "...Your clothes and powers will change. Even your appearance may change but not change that much you can't be recognisable. Good luck'" I read. I stood up and put the book down where I sat. I took a deep breathe and looked at Jordan who looked excited. "I'm ready" I breathed out and closed my eyes. I thought about my powers, Jordan's powers. I thought about all the fun times I've had with my powers. Last of all I thought about Ben, my prince, my first love. He was the one who gave me love and freedom from that villain island. I felt a change in my body, it feels like someone's possessing me. I relaxed myself, I'm getting my true powers now. I felt like my heart was ripped out, making my eyes open. I couldn't breathe. "It's the painful part, isn't it?" I nodded as the stabbing pain came. I held my tongue to stop me from screaming. After that I felt no more and I feel on a comfortable surface.

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