The past came to haunt

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Mal's POV
Why does this always have to happen to me? I just want a carefree life and now my mother wants me dead. My heart is acing as I ran past the multiple hallways of prep. I can't do this, she'll be back and kill me. She'll make me kill all my loved ones. I stopped running in realisation; one I'm at the enchanted lake where Ben and I has our first date and two, I'm a descendant of Piper, I can't be controlled. But when she finds out about me being the genie, she'll try and kill me for the powers. I leant ageist the pillar like I did on our first date. "A million thoughts, in my head, should I let my heart keep listening? Cause up to now, I've walked the line, nothing lost but somethings missing..." I sung. I sighed and slid down the pillar so I am siting on the ground with my legs bent in front of me. "If only I knew what my, heart was telling me. Don't know what I'm feeling, is this just a dream? If only I could read the, sighs in front of me, I could find a way to, who I'm meant to be...If only" I stood up and went down to the water's edge. I smiled at the memory of my date with Ben before I found my powers;him teaching me how to swim. "Come on Mal, you can do it!"

"Every step, every word..."

"I can't"
"I know you can, I believe in you, just jump in and I'll catch you!"

"...with every hour I'm falling in, to something new, to something brave, to someone I, I have never been"

"Okay" I jump in with a splash. The dark water surrounds me as I come up to the surface for air. I gasped for air and I saw Ben next to me. He grabbed me "Good job Mal now this is how you swim..."

I smiled the memory is so faint in my mind but it's a sigh that my life was great. I stared at my reflection and sighed. My purple hair is now long and darker since I haven't been around Ben. "Mal" a male voice said "It's me, Ben. I saw you running here so I thought to come to see if you're okay" I smiled and stood up from my crouching position. I saw Ben looking straight at me. "Hey" I quietly said as he came next to me. "What were you doing?" He asked, putting his arm around my shoulder and squeezing me into a side hug. I looked at my reflection again. "I was thinking" I answered. Ben tore me away from my sight of my reflection to his brown eyes. "What's really wrong Mal?" He asked, looking straight into my emerald green eyes. I sighed sadly and said "Jordan had a vision mother would come back for me and someone else powerful so she can take over Aurdoan" Ben gasped, letting go of my face. I mentally groaned, Ben's going to go into his kingly mode again. "When did you find this information out?" He asked formally. I sighed with annoyance
"I only found out a second ago, King Benny Boo" I teased, mockingly bowing to him. "We need to tell my father immediately, come on" Ben ordered, grabbing my arm and tried to drag me along. Surprisingly I stood my ground and he let go of me. "Come on Mal" Ben ordered. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "You can't order the daughter of Maleficent around Benjamin, you should know that" I reported. Ben flinched with realisation from what he was saying. "I'm so sorry Mal, I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine Ben...." Screams were heard from the campus. "What's that?" Ben asked. I felt a tug in my gut. "It's my mother, come on!" I exclaimed, grabbing him by the arm and sprinted to the campus.

I ran to the great hall were my mother stood in a area of green flames. "Oh darling, nice of you to come by. I was just about to tell these brats who's going to be the next ruler of these lands" my mother said. I pushed to the front of the crowd to see my mother looks the same as ever. "Oh funny actually because we all know that you won't be" I sassed. My mother gave me a death glare. "What, you can't argue with the truth mother, you should know that" I said, ready to send my magic at her. "Now, who is the powerful genie" my mother asked. Everyone was silent because they didn't know that my mother was talking about. "I know they're here, come out, come out or your friends will get hurt" my mother said in a kidish voice. I was so close to jumping out there but I knew it wasn't time, I haven't even mastered my powers, I need to wait. But in the meantime, I can lie. "It's obvious that they don't want to come out mother, just give it up and be on your way" I said. She snarled and pointed her fully charged staff at me. "You know who they are, don't you?" She said, walking towards me. Ben grabbed my arm tightly and whispered in my ear "What is she talking about?" I pulled Ben's arm off of me and a circle was formed around me and my now circling mother. "Don't you" she yelled, throwing a flame at me. Normally, I would get that easily but then I realised my powers are still in my golden form so I dodged it. My mother laughed "Why aren't you using your powers Mal? Is it because you're too good?" My mother snarled. Well, that is true, I'm losing my powers because I'm good. I fear very soon my green flame will disappear for good. "Why would you care? You never cared!" I yelled. My mother laughed again, throwing another flame ball at me. I fell into the crowd, to only be caught by Jordan. She pushed me up and whispered in my ear "Use your powers, but make it look like it's coming from somewhere else" I nod and stood up, facing my mother. I put one hand behind my back, in front of Jordan and made my magic come out from under everyone's feet. Everyone gasped in shock while my mother smirked. I put my hand in front of my as my magic did it's thing. "You promised me you wouldn't reveal yourself!" I yelled into the air. I made an mystical voice reply to me. "I'm sorry Mal, but I can't let you get hurt" and with that my powers went to my mother's arms. It created chains and tired her down. "Curse you genie!" my mother yelled into the air. I smirked as my magic disappeared. "That is a warning mother, leave and never come back" I said threateningly. She just smirked and said "If you value your friends life in a week, come to the enchanted lake when the moon is at it's highest and tell me who it is otherwise the next day I'll kill everyone" after she said that she disappeared in a cloud of green flames. "Mal?" Ben asked. Everyone in the room was silent, if a pin dropped everyone would have heard it. I pushed pass everyone to get out the room. "Mal!" Evie exclaimed. Oh great, they're going to follow me. I sprinted to the other side of the school, where a green hedge was. I looked on hedge to see my symbol spray painted on it. I ran towards the symbol and went through to the other side, to my secret cove. The cove has a beautiful lake, better than the enchanted lake. Right next to the lake on a cliff is a willow tree with beautiful yellow flowers on it. I jogged to the willow tree and sat down next to it and sighed. I always hung out here to think and get away from everyone. "Mal, where are you?" I heard the faint call of Jay say. I hear their footsteps go away and I concentrate on the wonderful view of Auradon and the faint view of the Isle of lost. "When is my life ever easy?" I asked myself aloud "My powers are fading but new ones are arising, I sometimes think I wished I stayed evil, but I don't at the same time" I tried to make my green flame and I did it for a couple of seconds before it vanished. I sighed aloud. All my old friends I haven't since in ages; Heidi, daughter of Hades, Zia, daughter of Zira (Scar's mate and Kovu's mother from lion king 2), Sam, son of Scar and Cassie, daughter of Chernabog ( A/N the devil from Fantasia, the most evil villain the Disney company has ever created).....The thought of her brings tears to my eyes, it's all my fault.

Flashback-a year before the invitation to Auradon

"Mal, come back here you little theif!" A man yelled, I laughed a new day in the Isle of Lost. I ran to the back of my home to see my group of friends there. "Hey Heidi, Zia, Sam and Cassie!" I greeted my friends. Heidi has platinum blonde long hair with many shades of blue highlights. She has thick blue eye make-up and clear blue eyes. She's wearing a plain light blue tank top with a black long cardigan. She's also wearing a short dark blue leather skirt with black ripped leggings and black ankle boots. Zia has short cut blonde hair with hardly any makeup at all, she has clear light blue eyes. She's wearing a black singlet with a black jumper that's see through (A/N like outfit there). She's wearing black ripped jeans with black flats. Her black necklace that has 10 triangles is shining in the light. Sam Longish short brown hair that shows his dark skin. He has blue eyes but turns green when angry. He normally wear a white top with denim jacket with black jeans that are ripped. Lastly Cassie, Cassie has short chocolate red-brown hair with cherry red highlights. Cassie wears no makeup but has black eyes that glows yellow when angry. Compared to the others, she has a simple red long red tank top with long black daggy pants. She has dark red flats. "Hey Mal" they all replied. I smiled, this is my life. Zia smirked, getting out her spear from behind her. "Ready to start fighting guys? It's Mal and Cassie's turn together" she said. We all agreed, getting out our weapons. Sam, his sword, Cassie her twin daggers and I got out my two purple nunchucks. I walked to the clearing with Cassie and we got into our fighting stances. "Ready, set-" Zia was cut off by Cassie saying "Um, guys?!?" I looked at Cassie who was looking at someone behind me. I turned sharply to see a masked man. He grabbed his knife and started to attack me. I quickly defended myself with my nunchucks. He was surprised and was knocked back while he was distracted. "Tip, never think of your opponent as weak until you fight them" Sam said, standing next to me. I quickly took his knife and he ran away in defeat. We all cheered in happiness. "Yes, go Mal" Zia said. I smiled and turned around to only hear a scream by Cassie again. The knife I held in my hand was in her stomach....

Flashback ended

She died that day, and that was the day that our friendship group was broken. Zia and Sam thought I killed her with cold blood, making them hate me. I never saw them again, they stayed away from me. Word got around the isle that I killed the evil devil's only daughter, which everyone believed apart from Jay, Charlos and Evie. I sighed and wiped away the tears that I never knew fell. I stood up, and ran out my cove and into my dorm. I fell onto my bed and darkness came over me as I entered my dreamworld.

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