Real family and missing friends

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Mal's POV
"Mal, honey wake up!" I heard a voice say. I groaned and opened my eyes to see myself in a another genie room. I sat up to see. It has light pink walls with some windows and columns that are golden and shaped like a flower petal. The roof is draped with purple see through felt and light blue and purple beads hanging from the roof. A golden chandler is hanging from the middle of the room. I'm sitting on a purple circle bed that has a purple cover thing (a/N I don't know what it is on the top of my head, sorry!) above me. In front of me on the floor is a mat. "You're okay!" A lady said. I turned my head to a lady who was sitting next to me. She is 6'3 lady that is carameled skin. She has dark chocolate coloured hair that is in a high genie ponytail with a light blue scrunchy. She is wearing a two piece blue genie outfit that shows her stomach. She is wearing curved flats (like the shoes princess Jasmine wears). "Piper?" I asked. She smiled and nodded "Wear would you see a genie bottle like this?" She asked. I looked at the desk on the other side of the room was the most beautiful bottle I've since. It's literally a rainbow beady bottle (A/N I can't describe it so just look at the picture). "Wow" I muttered. "Yep, that's mine but this" Piper spun around in the room "is yours! You're inside your lamp but in dream state" I looked at her confused, dream state?!?
"What do you mean by dream state Piper?" I asked.
"Your mind is here but your body is in...Ben's room" she said. My anger bubbled, he has no right to take me to his room. "Chill hon, it's fine, Jordan's making sure that he doesn't do anything" I gave a sigh of relief, ex-boyfriend trying to kiss me is not a good sign.
"Okay then, um so how do I find my bottle?" I asked.
"Oh that's simple honey, your bottle will be in your dorm but only visible to genies" she answered. I nod, all good then. "What if I  or someone else breaks the bottle?" I asked. Piper gave me a look of seriousness. "If that ever happens, your powers will go and it will get given to the next good-hearted lady of the family" she said. I nod, so if I break it, I'm dead, lovely. My vision became hazy making me fall to the ground. "Before you go, I want to say; kick Ben's butt for me honey" Piper said and I smirked as I blacked out.

I groaned and opened my eyes to see Ben about to kiss me. I pushed him off of me, causing him to fall onto the floor. I sat up to realise I'm on Ben's bed. "Mal, you're okay!" Ben groaned as he stood back up. "Of course she's okay idiot!" Jordan snapped.
"I'm sorry, I never knew caring was a crime" Ben snapped back.
"Well it is if it's my ex, I could literally punch the living day lights out of you" I snarled as he stood closer. His eyes widen in fear and stood back while Jordan stood next to me. "Honey, you'll be fine" she said. 'I know I will be but soon I have to get revealed' I wanted to say but my eyesight went teary. "Please don't, I know your life is going to be  rough now but please don't cry" Jordan said. I wiped my tears away, I can do this. "I've never seen you cry before Mal" Ben muttered
"You might as well tell Zia so she can tell the whole school; the daughter of the most villainous child cried because she nearly died" I snapped at him. I stood up and stormed out the room, knowing Jordan is hot on my heels.

I was about to go into my dorm but Zia and Evie are in front of the door. "Out the way girls!" I said. I'm not in the mood to be nice at the moment. They both looked at me with shock. "What?" I asked with fake kindess "Can't a ex-VK be evil again?"
"Mal!" I hear Jordan yell from the distance. Zia gave me a confused  look while Evie smirked; she knew I was running from her. "Why are you running?" Evie asked.
"Got hurt, got pissed off at Ben, had emotional break down about my mum going to kill me" I said, covering my mouth, oh shit.
"Sorry Zia, pushing through!" I said and pushed both of them out the way to open the door and walked into my dorm. I noticed next to my new book I stole from the library was a bottle that looked like this;

 I noticed next to my new book I stole from the library was a bottle that looked like this;

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"My genie bottle" I whispered as I held it up, it's beautiful.
"Mal!" Jordan yelled from outside my door.
"She isn't here" Zia said. What, when did Zia care about me?
"Where did she go?" Jordan asked.
"Straight pass us to your dorm I think" Evie said. I heard a quiet thanks and footsteps walking away and the door opening. I quickly put my bottle down and sat in my bed looking out the window, they'll make me invisible. "Mal?" Zia said. I turned my head calmly to she her looking scared. "Yes Zia?" I said.
"I-I'm sorry for accusing you about Cassie's death, I was in shock" she whispered. I looked into her eyes to read she's telling the truth (and my genie powers can tell as well). "It's fine Z, it's fine" I said and looked out the window that had the view of the forest. I hear the door open and someone gasping "Mal, why is there blood on your top?!?" Evie asked.
"Someone tried to stab me and did, but I healed myself" I said coldly. I can sense her flinching at my cold voice. "Why? Why is your mother trying to kill you" she asked carefully, trying not to upset me. "Because I'm a genie" I whispered. She grabbed my shoulder, making me turn to them two. "Mal, please don't tell me you're going to do something stupid" Zia said. I smirked and put my head down. "Mal" Evie said sternly. 
"No, I'm not" I lied, lifting my head to see the other two, they don't look convinced. "I won't, I'm being serious about it" I lied again. Zia rolled her eyes "You're very easy to read Mal, you're doing something right?" Zia said. I sighed, shook my head and faintly smiled; a plan just appeared in my head and it's not a good one.

Third POV

"Why would I do something I can't change?" Mal said to Evie and Zia, who were in shock. "So you're going to let yourself get killed?" Zia asked angrily. Mal smirked as her golden powers danced in her left hand. Zia gasped as Mal replied "I'll be fine, my mum can't hurt me...badly" Evie laughed before she realised what Mal said but she was already walking out the dorm.
Evie sighed as Mal left "She's going to get herself killed" Zia said.
"Right about that" Evie said as they both ran after Mal.

"Mal, please stop running and talk to us!" Evie yelled, running in the school hallways. Evie and Zia can only just see a purple blob though the crowd of students coming back from Sunday activities. "Not going to happen E!" Mal said with a insane giggle. All the students in the hallway stared in shock; the villain hero has finally gone crazy from her betrayal and killing? By the time Evie and Zia got out of the prep, Mal was nowhere to be seen. "Where are you Mal?" Zia whispered as Zia and Evie stared into the sunset. They both lent against a tree in silence. Little did they know a purple blob was in the tree they lent against.

Mal's POV
I need to keep as quiet as possible so Evie and Zia don't notice me. I didn't mean to sound crazy before, it just came out for an effect by accident. I try quietly to jump of the tree but...I landed on Evie, Opps. "What the-Mal?" Evie said as I got off her and ran off. I need time to think. I run through the nearly empty hallways and I bump into...Ben. "Watch where you're-Mal, what are you doing running in the hallways?" Ben said in a stern voice. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I can hear Evie and Zia's footsteps in the hall. "Mal! I'm going to kill you!" Evie yelled. Ben smirked at me as I try to push past him. "Your not going anywhere Mal" he said as Evie and Zia's footsteps died down. Oh shot. I turn around slowly to see Zia, Evie...and Sam great. "Where's Heidi when I need her? Hello guys" I said, whispering the first part. "Mal" Sam said in shock. I smirked "Thought I died Sam? Well to bad" I said. Zia gasped and turned to Sam and slapped him in the face...hard. As Ben ran to him to see if he's okay my hearing went weird. It's the feeling when you zone out but you didn't, I couldn't hear anything that the others where saying. I heard whispers of people. "Help me"
"Don't kill me!"
"Your the one who's going to die today"
"Why Anna? You're my wife!"
"Mum, wake up, please wake up!"
"I'm with you in here"
"I'm with you till the end"
"The stars, I finally see the stars" more and more statements came...all about death. I smirked knowing who it is, Heidi. I turned around to see Heidi with her usual platinum blonde long hair with many shades of blue highlights. She has her normal thick blue eye make-up. Her clear blue eyes now has dark blue flames dancing around in them. She's wearing a plain light blue tank top with a black long cardigan. She's also wearing a short dark blue leather skirt with black ripped leggings and black ankle boots like she normally did. "Hey Heidi" I whispered. She smiled kindly and was about to reply when I heard Ben say "Mal, what are you doing?" I turned around, my green eyes flaring in the slight darkness Heidi made as the sun finally setted. "Seeing an old friend" I said, turning back around to Heidi who is now out the shadows. Sam, Zia and Evie gasped. "Heidi?" Sam whispered. I turned to him and smirked as she shadow-traveled to wherever she thought was safe.

Ben's POV
I'm in shock. Mal disappeared into the shadows with a blue fiery eyed girl named Heidi according to the others. Who does Mal know Heidi? "But how? Heidi died a day after Mal and the others  left in an potion accident with her father?" Zia whispered, also in shock. I wrapped my arms around her in comfort. "Hush Zia, calm down" I whispered, causing Evie to death glare me. I let go of Zia and turned to the others (Sam covering the side of his face which Zia slapped) "Who's her father?" I asked.
"She's the daughter of Hades" Evie said. I nod, I heard about a daughter of Hades and I was about to replace Mal with her. Lucky I didn't otherwise I wouldn't have met-Ben stop it, she's a murderer!! "But the question is;why is she coming out now? Why did she fake her death?" Sam questioned.

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