Chapter 3

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We look great I thought as me and Violet marvelled ourselves in the huge mirror in the Cassidys hallway. We had spent ages with our hair and make-up, I was pretty proud at what we had done with ourselves.

My long, straight, blonde hair was curlyed with Violets expensive curlyers and Violets mid-length, jet black, curly hair was done in a spectacular high bun. My dress was just above the knees and short sleved with a cute peacock feather design on it and Violets was a dark blue, short sleeved dress with small diamond studs around the neck line.

I looked at the time on my phone "Oh crap we'd better get going" I told Violet who was already grabbing her purse and heading for the door.

"Dad we're ready" She shouted as we ran down the stairs.

There was a blast of cold air when we stepped outside, luckily I brought my purple blazer to keep me warm.

"Thanks for the ride" I said to Mr and Mrs Cassidy as I got into the backseat of the Cassidy's flash car. Violets family have always been quite rich, there house is incredible, it has a massive garden thats five times as big as ours, gigantic marble pillars going up to the second floor and huge double doors. I always loved travelling with the Cassidys because they have the most luxorius car I've ever seen, unlike ours which is an old Mazda that been passed down from my Grandparents when Pa died. Once I got brave and asked Violet why they were so rich but she just told me they inherited a old family mine or something like that.

"You both look stunning" Violets Mum told us, from the front seat.

"Thank you Mrs Cassidy" I replied politely.

"Oh honey call me Brenda" she insisted laughing.

When we finally got a park near the school hall, we hopped out of the car, thanked Violets parents for the ride and ran inside to find our friends. The inside of the hall was spectactular, it was decorated with silver stars hanging from the roof and there was a DJ up on the stage. We spotted our friends buying snacks and rushed over.

"Its a bit early to be buying snacks" I said laughing at Paige who had a hotdog in her hand.

"I just couldn't resist all this glorius food" She said pointing at the snack bar.

She was right, there were tones of it, hotdogs (which Paige had), milkshakes, soda, corn chips and much more.

Just then my favourite song, Still into you by paramore came on,

The DJ shouted, "Whos ready for some dancing, and almost everyone at the social, including us rushed onto the dance floor.

"Theres Tane," Sienna shouted in my ear.

I looked over to where she was pointing and there he was dancing with the blonde who he'd cheated on me with.

"That bastard." I muttered but Sienna probably couldn't hear me over the loud music. There was a hint of jealously in me but I quickly shook it away and carried on dancing.


"I don't ever want to leave" I complained as we walked to find Violets parents car.

"Me to, it was epic as bro" She replied.

I laughed and pulled open the back door of there car,

"How was it girls?" Mrs Cassidy asked.

"The best social yet!" I said and told her the details of the night.

I thanked Violets Mum for the ride and got out.

Thats strange I thought, there was a police car parked on the road outside our house.

I opened the door slowly, a police woman was standing in our living room with her arm around my Grandma who was sobbing uncontrolably.

"Oh Carly" she cried and ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

"Theres been a crash." the police woman said before I could say anything.

I stood there stunned, "What do you mean?" I said, "Where's Mum and Dad and my sisters?" I asked, frozen in place.

"I'm afriad its not looking good for them." She told me putting her arm around me, "A truck driver lost control and drove straight into them, they all died instantly."

What? I couldn't believe my ears."This can't be right, there must of been a mistake" I spoke frozen in place.

"I'm sorry darling, there's been no mistake." the police woman said handing me a tissue.

"They're gone." Grandma sobbed, slumping onto the couch.

This can't be happening.

They're gone.

Why does this have to happen to me?

Suddenly everything went blurry, all I could think about is that they were never, ever coming back.

The dizziness overcome me, I fell to the ground, and blacked out.

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