Chapter 4

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My Nana hung up the phone and came over to where I was lying on the couch. What happened? Then I realized what had happened and started crying all over again. I could see that Nana still had tears in her eyes,

"Are you alright honey?" she said calmly while handing me a tissue. I took it and used it.

"Noooo" I wailed, "This can't be happening.

"We'll get though this sweets, but for now you'll be living with me." she told me, "I no it's not really suitable but it'll have to do."

I buried my head in my hands and walked to the spare room. I lay down on the bed and cried into the pillow. I couldn't believe it. I was never ever going to see them again. How could I survive without Mum, Dad, Millie and Sara? Who was I going to laugh with and play dress-ups with? Not my Nana! I smiled at the thought of my Nana playing dress-ups, but the smile quickly faded when I remembered the reality.

Nana knocked on the door but I didn't answer.

She knocks again,

"Go away." I yelled.



3 days later:

We arrive at the funeral home about half an hour before it starts.

When we walk in we see all the flowers covering most of the room. My Mum was crazy about gardening, she absolutely loved flowers, tulips were her favourite.

Already there were lots of people here, I could see some of my uncles, aunts, friends and co-workers. Lots of people were coming up and hugging me and saying how sad they were.

Violet and Paige spotted me and ran over to where I'm standing with my Nana, they both give me big hugs and ask if I'm alright.

"I'm ok" I say bluntly. I still didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Can everyone please sit down, we are about to commence the service."

My friends turn around,

"We better get back to our parents," they say giving me another hug.

As I'm sitting down I stare at the screen where pictures of my family are playing on a powerpoint. Oh how I miss them, I thought as I remember all the family memories. Tears are spilling down my face, as I listen to all the speakers. I got asked to say something in the funeral service but I just couldn't face talking about them, it made me sadder.

Finally it's over and we get to see the bodies, we hobble up to the coffins and open the lids. It's to much, I can't stand seeing them like this, I run down the isle and out the door. I don't know where I'm going, I've just got to get away from everything and everyone.

I run down the street sobbing, I head towards my special spot in the local gardens, where I love going when I'm sad. I were probably look a mess but I don't care I thought as I ran thought the trees towards the big oak tree.

I sit there for hours, just thinking and crying.....

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