Smile Carly

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Chapter 1

"Bye Mum, bye Millie, bye Sara" I called as walked out the door and down the steps.

"Love you" I heard Mum call back from inside. "Love you sis" Millie and Sara said running down the driveway to give me a hug before I left for school. Millie and Sara are my 4 year old twin sisters who had only just started kindergarten. Me and my family are very close and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost them.

It's quite a pleasant morning considering it's the middle of winter I thought as I walked along the street to meet my friends. We were meeting so we could walk to school together like we did every morning.

When I spotted my friends Sienna, Alice and Skylar walking around the corner I called out to them "Hey guys, what's up?"

Sienna was the first to reply, "Sooo excited for tonight" she practically screamed.

The school social (The best day of the year) was on tonight and me, my bestie Violet and Sienna were all going with our boyfriends, Tane, Ethan, and Ben. (Me with Tane, Violet with Ethan and Sienna with Ben.)

"I no I'm sooo excited aswell, i brought this awesome dress in the weekend." I told her.

"I heard the foods going to be even better than last year." She commented. I imagined all the glorious food from last and my tummy rumbled.

Crap I forgot to have breakfast I suddenly remembered, I was rushing to get ready this morning so I forgot to have a bite to eat on my way out. Oh well I thought, I'll just get something from the canteen at break.

"Hey" I said to Skylar and Alice who were in the own conversation, "Are you guys going tonight?" I asked "Yeah of course, we wouldnt miss the best night of the entire year! Im keen to show off my dance moves" said Skylar the weirdo of of our group. We all laughed.

"Lucky us" Sienna said sarcastically,

"Hey don't be mean" I said laughing.

That was fast I thought as we walked through the school gates, there were people in every direction hurrying to there form classes.

"See yas in science" I called out to Skylar and Alice who were walking in the opposite direction.

"Come on" I said to Sienna and we walked off to form time.


"Hey" I said to Violet when she arrived at the lockers, "Are ya ready for tonight?"

"Dont tell anyone but I'm really nervous, I hope I get my first kiss tonight." She whispered to me blushing.

"Oh Violet" I said shaking my head, "Don't get your hopes up, he might not be the right guy for you."

"We'll see" She blushed even more.

I grinned "Right, shall we go meet Tane and Ethan?"

I walked around the corner ahead of Violet but i stopped my tracks, I heard Violet gasp behind me.

My boyfriend tane was kissing some blonde year 12 by the stairs. Some boyfriend he was. I cant believe he would cheat on me, I thought he was different but obvously I was wrong. Tears sprang to my eyes, I walked right up to him and slapped him, I didnt care if people were watching he deserved it, "Go away" the blonde growled at me.

"Tane its over." I said fiercly and ran down the corridor crying.

"Wait, Carly I can explain" he called after me, but I didnt look back I never wanted to see that bastard again.

"You jerk" Violet said and ran after her.

Smile CarlyWhere stories live. Discover now