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Okay, so it's probably not that important but I just thought I'd let you know that this is in the P.O.V of Raynie, who is the main character in this story. She's played by Olivia Chachi Gonzales and if you don't already know who she is then please go search her up. She is an amazing dancer with talent that really does inspire me. Oh, and she's just extremely gorgeous. 

Love Erin xx

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I sat at the window, just anticipating the moment when the mail-man would deliver. Nerves formed in the pit of my stomach, and I could hear the throbbing of my every heart beat. 

When the mail finally came, I knew it would be my last chance to prove my talent and do something big for once in my life. For years, I had taught myself the art of dance, hoping one day I'd be noticed. But no matter what I auditioned for (whether it'd be a dance school or a cheer leading try-out), I was always turned away for being too tardy or too... hip-hoppy.

The only place I really got to share my talent was out on the streets with my dance crew. Just a few months ago (after years of dancing with them),  the crew finally split up and the streets wasn't an option for most of us. The aftermath? Well, I decided I wasn't going to give up just because I didn't have a crew. There's a whole world of dancing out there, and I don't have to stick with just the streets my whole life. Dancing is my passion. I needed to make something of it. 

So at the start of the year, I looked for as many different opportunities involving dance as I could and ended up auditioning at about 5 different places. Unfortunately, rejection has a way of always crawling back to me, so no matter how hard I tried or how much effort I put into my auditions, I was ALWAYS rejected. 

But the past few months have made me think, "Maybe things are starting to change?"

You see, at the start of the year, I was told of an upcoming dance competition for dancers who were interested in being part of One Direction's 2014 world-wide concert tour. Now, at the time, I thought I stood no chance but ended up auditioning anyway. 

The competition involved posting an audition video of yourself, dancing to one of One Direction's hit songs to a site named YouTube and tagging it with #OneDirectionDanceOff. Your video was then automatically added to the competition's play-list, and the top 10 videos were going to be confirmed and then announced by One Direction live on TV.

If you're thinking that's it, then you're wrong! There will (in the near future) be a boot-camp for all the dancers. Although it will be hard-work, we will get to work with some of the most famous dance choreographers in the world and One Direction themselves (well, actually, we'll probably just hang with them, because to be honest they dance like llamas and wouldn't be able to teach us anything).

Towards the end of the competition, there were a few silly auditions sent in (like dancing cats and fat men in Harry Styles masks with wings) and they strangely made it to the top 10, leaving some of the more talented dancers with no chance of winning. They were eventually taken down, though, and I managed to score third place. Yes, I was screaming and jumping around the house all day like a twelve year old fangirl. 

Today, in the mail, will come the location of boot-camp, which has been kept secret until now. I'm hoping it'll be some place exotic like Hawaii or Mexico!

I lift my head up at the ticking clock and look back out the window. The mail-man is due any minute now.


As soon as the mailman arrives, I storm out the front door and race down the front porch, grabbing the mail straight from his hands. I don't even think twice before ripping open the envelope and letting the parchment slip right into my hands. 

and the dream location is...

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A/N: Sorry about the suspence, couldn't help myself. Please read on and let me know what you think. I'll be sure to update soon. Can't leave you hanging for too long.

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