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(Phone Conversation)

"You just said you were using a GPS and still you manage to get yourself lost?" John says, chuckling to himself.

"Your not helping." I sigh,  frustrated.

"Sorry, sorry.  I'll stop." 


There's a slight silence before John bursts into laughter again.

"JOHN!" I yell thourgh the phone.

"Okay, okay, i'm done, I swear."

"You better be." I utter under my breath.

"Hey, calm down. Where are you exactly, I'll come and get you."

"Come and get me? I can't just leave my car here."


"Yes, oh." I say rolling my eyes.

There's more silence.

"I could just drive down to where ever it is you are and you could follow my car back to the mall." 

"Hmm...that could work. Yeah.  Good job Butt-face."

"Ha ha, very funny. Now where are you?" 

"Some place called...Prymoor." I said taking the GPS off it's stand.

"Prymoor...that's like half an hour away form here. How the hell did you get out there?" He asked, erupting into laughter again.

"John!" I whined back to him, annoyed.

"Sorry, but seriously."

"Well I left at peek hour and thought I'd try and skip the traffic. So I took a short-cut and well..."

"It wasn't a short-cut?"  I could just see him smirking on the other line.

"Yes..." I moaned.

"It's fine, don't worry. I'll come down and meet you at the Prymoor Bakery. Call Eliza and tell her we'll be late. Okay? Bye Dumbo."

"Bye Butt-face." 

And with that, I hung up and started up the car. After several minutes of messing around with the GPS, I finally found my way to the Bakery and parked my car right out the front. 

'Prymoor's Baked Good's' read a tattered sign hanging from an old cottage building, fresh with the smell of newly baked bread. Man, did I like the bakery. I took a seat at the front of the store and ordered a large milkshake.

"Beautiful day!" Said the waitress in a high, chirp-like voice. 

"Sure is!" I said, gleaming back at her.

"Meeting anyone here?" She asked politely. 

"Oh...just a friend." I answered back.

"Just a friend aye?"

"Just a friend."

Once the waitress had left, I took out my phone and texted Eliza. 

(Text Messages):

Raynie: Hey Liz, I'm really sorry but John and I are going to be late. I tried to take a sort-cut but my GPS decided to take a detour down to Prymoor. We should be able to meet you at the plaza by about 2:00pm. I'm really sorry, see you soon. 

Eliza: I knew this would happen. You've never been able to use a GPS. 

Raynie: I said I'm sorry. 

Eliza: Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Raynie:  So I guess I’ll see you at the front of the food-court?

Eliza: Yep, I’ll just be here, waiting for the next hour or so, wondering around like a lonesome girl in the dark abyss of life.


Eliza: I see, you obviously don’t care about me then, so I’ll just continue browsing. I won’t buy anything of course, it’s not like I have any money to spend.  I merely came here to see my friend. But of course she’s once again ditched me for some tall, handsome, boy with quiffed hair and expensive shoes. But not to worry, I’ve found a few over-expensive t-shirts to look at; all the girls seem to wear them these days. There rather pointless really, with stupid slogans and meaningless pictures.  But I find them rather quite amusing and it’s always a good way to pass time when you’re friend is out making up some lame excuse so she doesn’t have to spend time with her loserish friend. I totally understand.

Raynie: Liz, seriously…

Eliza: I get it; I need to get a life. But honestly, are you that stupid?

Raynie: What do you mean?

Eliza: The plaza is like ten minutes away from your place, maybe fifteen depending on the traffic. But Prymoor…that’s like half an hour away from here! How the hell did you get out there?

I can just imagine her laughing at this like I’m an idiot. Which in this situation is probably true, although I’ll never admit to it.

Raynie: I don’t know okay, I just somehow ended up here. But I’ll see you later, so meet me at the food-court. Okay?

Eliza: Okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2013 ⏰

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