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"Ah, twinkle toes. Didn't think you'd show up, considering I totally owned you with that name calling battle just before!" smirked John as I walked though the back doors to the hindquarters of Nando's. I just rolled my eyes and gave him a friendly push as I put down my bag and grabbed my gear.

"It's so ironic how you work here." Jess, my co-worker/ worst enemy muttered as I threw on my hat.

"What do you mean?" I asked a little confused. 

"One Direction...Niall...Nando's? As if you seriously not know?" She hissed as if I knew what she was talking about.

"What does One Direction have to do with Nando's?" I asked, a confused expression still smacked across my face.

"Ugh! Your touring around the world with them, yet you didn't even know that Niall's dad, co-owns a Nando's in Ireland Mullingar, County Westmeath. It's Niall's favorite restaurant for god sakes!" She spat before quickly turning with a flick of her hair and walking off with an order.

A/N: I'm not really sure about that whole Nando's thing but I'm really sorry if I've got it incorrect. Sorry if I offend any of you.

Jackie: UGH! You're writing a fanfiction about them, yet you don't even know if that information is even correct! It's a ONE DIRECTION FANFICTION for god sakes!

"Don't worry about her, she's just jealous." John whispered into my neck, sending shills down my back. I turned into him and gave him a friendly smile.

"No wonder Eliza's always calling in sick." I grumbled as I picked up my workers badge. 

"C'mon." John said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the front counter ready to serve customers. 

Apart from the constant death glares form Jess, the rest of my shift went pretty well. John and I talked a bit and joked around, he even offered to take me home after work but I'd already made plans with Dana. 

"Maybe another time." I said as we grabbed our goats and walked out together.

"Yeah." He sighed, disappointment clear in his voice. 

"Sorry." I said with a half smile, feeling a little guilty. 

"No, it's fine, really, I just thought maybe we could spend a little bit more time together before you left to go on tour." 

"I know I've got a lot planned for this week, but I could easily fit you in. Maybe you could join Eliza and I at the mall tomorrow?" 

"Yeah that'd be great!" He said almost instanly, a beaming smile across his face. I chuckled a little and gave him a hug goodbye as Dana pulled up in her car.

"Bye!" I yelled as I hopped in the car, waving out to him. He returned a kind smile and waved back. 

Today was...perfect.

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