Prologue: The Death Of A Hero

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It was a rainy day in the summer. Ya know, some people say when it rains when someone dies. That means the angels from the heavens is crying.

Because someone did die.

Tears poured down Canada's eyes as the funeral was displayed before his eyes as he watch. His heart was horribly ripped in two.


I'll tell you why...

Alfred F. Jones a.k.a The personification of United States of America was dead.

Every nation that loved or disliked America was there to pay their respects.

They never thought one of their own, espically one so young, could die so tragically.

Canada looked at everyone who was there.

First he saw England and France. Arthur was a sobbing mess. Francis was trying to calm him down but failed even when he had tears from his own eyes.

France: Angleterre. Please calm down.


France: I know....But there is nothing we can do Angleterre.

England: Alfred!! ALFRED!! PLEASE COME BACK!! We need our hero!!! I need my hero!! Please...Come back...

Canada can tell England really took America's death to hard like he did. But it was not just him and England. Italy was crying while his brother Romano, Germany, and Spain were comforting him. He glance over to Japan who had a hard time keeping his emotions intact. Even after what they been through, America was still his friend and trading partner. China was comforting him.

Japan: America-san...(T-T)

China: This is really sad...I been alive for 4,000 years and I never thought this could happen. None of us saw it coming aru....

It was true. None of them saw it coming.

America was alive, healthy, full of energy, shouting out he was the hero while eating burgers for one minute. And the next, he was dead.

Prussia: Birdie...Are you going to be okay?

Matthew looked at Gilbert with hurt and perplexed eyes.

Canada: I'm not sure myself....

As soon as America's chest was set six feet underground and buried. Everyone begin to set flowers.

Canada was shocked himself when he notice Russia offer a sunflower on America's grave. He thought Russia hated America.

Canada: Russia?

Russia: Oh comrade Matvey...

Canada: I thought you hated America and you wanted to take over his country...

Russia: Da. But he was really fun to be around. Without him, life has become boring. Between you and me, sometimes when I'm lonely and no one else wants to deal with me, he would actually come talk to me. Guess he not much of an idiot as we think he is.

Canada: Huh?

What did he mean by that?

Russia can be pretty confusing and mysterious himself.


Canada was a little upset that funeral ended quickly...

The others had left. Some stayed behind and gave Canada their regards. It felt nice he was being notice for once. However. It was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

But a hole has formed in his heart.

His brother.

His twin brother Alfie...Was gone....

No. No. NO!

Canada: This can't be real! This can't be right! How can he be dead! He's a nation! He's the freakin superpower!! I mean if he's dead, then whats going to happen to his country?! Would his economy fall? Would he be replaced?! Will the other nations who disliked America try to take over his country?!! Oh Maple!!!

So many unanswered questions filled Canada's mind as he continues to cry over the loss of his brother!!

Kumajirou: Are you alright?

Canada looked up to notice his bear giving him a sad look.

Canada: No. I'm not alright Kuma...I'm not sure I will be...

Broken hearts from a broken bond between brothers.

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