Chapter 3 Movies and secrets.

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Ava stretched as the movie came to an end.
"It's been so long sine I watched Star Wars." She said tiredly after her long stretch.
"Yeah for reals." Ezra responded. "Mind if I have some food?" He asked shyly.
"I don't care, eat as much as you want." Ava replied. She felt comfortable with him, like she had known him her whole life. She couldn't help but stare at him, he was different and she liked it.
"Ugh I'm like falling asleep haha.." She said after Ezra sat back down with a drink and some chips.
"I can go if you wanna take a nap, hey can I have your number? I wanna get to know you.." Ezra blushed and stared at her.
"Um sure that would be cool. Lemme see your phone and I'll put my number in." Ava said smiling with excitement. She felt nervous as she took Ezra's phone from his out stretched hand. "Thanks. I won't give you a fake number. Pinky promise." She laughed and held out her pinky.
Laughing Ezra smiled and held out his pinky to latch with hers, squeezing it as they promised.
"Thanks haha I was worried. But since you pinky promised, I believe you." Ezra kept their fingers latched for a second just staring at her.
"Um sorry I was just.." He said nervously. "Thank you for chillin with me, it was fun."
"You're welcome. We can watch another movie if you want. No garuntees I will stay awake though." Ava laughed handing the phone back to Ezra.
"Only if you want too. Your room, your rules." He winked and laughed.
"Okay lets find something haha you're silly."
"Thanks. I try my best to not be normal."

"Mulan??" Ezra asked.
"Yess I love Mulan."
Ava repositioned so that she was lying on her stomach. And Ezra joined her with his soda and chips. As the movie started they began laughing and talking about things they had never told anyone.
Ava was saddened by his story. Tales of Anorexia and belemia had haunted his past, leaving scars of fear and hunger. He told of his mum and dad, how much they fought about who was right. How drugs had taken over his dad and how he ended up leaving when Ezra was only twelve years old. Feelings of abandonment and worthlessness were visible in Ezra's beautiful eyes. The feelings danced around as if they had made themselves at home in his body.
"But you really cannot make homes out of humans" Ezra quoted. "You can just live there long enough to make a difference. Not to ruin." Ava realized quickly that she was crying and wiped her eyes. His story had touched her in ways she had never been touched. Touched by words alone.
"Hey, don't cry. You're too beautiful." Ezra whispered wiping her eyes with his gentle hands. She smiled and quickly broke the moment by turning away.
"We're missing the movie... " She said quickly. She was embarrassed by the fact that she had cried in front of him. She was never the type to cry so it was weird for her to cry like that.
"Thank you though, for telling me all of that.. It means a lot that you trust me enough." Ava said after a long pause.
"You're welcome, you're very easy to talk too, and you're my only friend here in New York City." Ezra said looking at her.
"Really?? You're my only friend too." Ava responded quietly. After that it was just the sound of the movie filling the room. Ava struggled to keep her eyes open, until finally she drifted off to a deep slumber.

Once the movie was over Ezra turned to say somthing to Ava only to find she was asleep.
"Hey... Oh.." Ezra began. "Sweet dreams Ava." He continued in a whisper barely loud enough to hear. Ezra didn't leave though, he layed there next to Ava staring at her beauty. She looked so peaceful, her red hair falling slowly out of its incredibly messy, messy bun and into her face.
Ezra slowly drifted off to a deep sleep after a few minutes of staring at Ava, his eyes closed gently and he fell into the abyss of his imagination.
"You don't understand!"
"You are addicted to Pornography and drugs I think I understand! You're so inconsiderate of our family. If you loved us even the slightest you wouldn't ever smoke or watch again you jerk!"
"I cant just up and quit.. I love you Sarah.. I always have.. I love you and our son with my entire being, I have made mistakes, yes. But I can change Sarah.. I can change.. I just need some time. Please."
"Mark.. Please don't do anything stupid.. I love you."
"Goodbye Sarah. Take care of our son."
"Ava whats wrong? Why are you crying?"
"Ava, it's me.. Joey.. I'm really worried about you, ever since you moved to New York you haven't text me or talked much. Are you okay?"
"Ava, it's me I was just reminding you that you are worthless and a waste of space. Your family doesn't love you. The only person worthy of loving you is Ezra. He can help you." -Sincerely Adremelech.

Startled Ava opened her eyes quickly. Looking straight forward she saw Ezra sleeping peacefully next to her. Slowly she climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom, not sure what just happened. "Ugh stupid nightmares. I hate them." She thought to herself. After fixing her hair she decided she better wake Ezra up as it was getting late.
"Hey Ezra! Ezra wake up, we fell asleep on my bed haha." Ava said in quiet voice as she shook Ezra. As he woke he soon realized that he too had fallen asleep and quickly jumped up.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, you fell asleep and you made it look so good that I joined." He said gathering his things. "Hey thanks for having me over.. I invited myself but it was fun."
"Oh you're fine, and you're welcome it was fun!" Ava said happily. " I will text you later?"
"Yes. Please do. Byyeee." Ezra slowly opened the door, looking back at Ava one last time before leaving, shutting the door behind him.
Ava still in shock from what just happened went and sat on her bed. Taking out her phone she waited for Ezra to text her. After a minute her phone lit up.
"Hey! It's Ezra! Send a smiley if this is Ava."
Quickly Ava added him to her contacts and responded.
Falling back onto the bed with a smile across her face she whispered to herself..
"Here we go."

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