Chapter 2- Spy

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I had a lot of fun with Jack as the week past. He was just as messy as i was, so our cabin was chaos(Sorry Chaos!).  We pretended to be each other so much that before anyone talked to either of us, they asked a question that only one of us could answer. On Friday, exactly one week from when Jack arrived, we went to bed, ready to pull a major prank the next day. But we fell asleep in each other's beds, because we heard that the Stolls were going to write our names on our forehead's, so everyone could tell who they were talking to. Well, we woke up the next morning, and our plan had worked. I had the name JACK written in permanent marker on my forehead, and jack had the name PERCY. It was perfect. HeHeHeHe. We got dressed, and it helped that we also had the same style. We left the cabin at the same exact time, and walked towards the sound of the horn. We approached the Poseidon table, and i looked at him. he nodded, and we both looked at our plates. I wanted plain, Non-Blue(gasp) pancakes, and his were blue, drowned in syrup. That's when the plan began. Annabeth walked over to Jack, and kissed him on the cheek. 

"Hey seaweed brain. Glad i know it's you." She said smiling. Jack was stunned, and i burst out laughing. 

"What's so funny, Jack?" Annabeth asked me.

"Ask Percy a question." I said, and walked away. I heard Annabeth ask Jack what she did to outsmart Arachne.

"I...have no idea." He said, obviously holding back laughter.

"Jack?" Annabeth screamed, and i turned around to see what he did. He just smiled, nodded, and did the logical thing. Ran. He caught up with me, and we ran as fast as we could towards the beach. we were laughing so hard, we both had a cramp as we approached the water. 

"Come on, Percy! Jump in!" Jack yelled, and we dove into the water. As soon as i hit the water, i was calmed and happy. I had a twin brother, and we were having a blast.

"That. Was. Priceless! Did- did you see her face?" I laughed, clutching my side. We were on our way down to Dad's castle, to tell him about our prank.

"It was perfect, Percy. Who knew you spent so much time with the Hermes cabin?" Jack answered. 

"Oh, and Percy?" Jack questioned.

"Yes?" I asked innocently.

"How long will we have to carry around a water bottle so that if Annabeth tries to kill us we can sheid ourselves from her wrath?" He looked at me expectantly. 

"Oh, about a month. Two, if we're lucky." I ashurred him, smiling mischeviously. We arrived at Dad's Palace, and lets just say it was big. I walked up to the doorwith Jack close behind me, and knocked.

"Come in." I heard dad say, and the doors opened. 

"Percy! Jack! Great to see my you both. Now, tell me, Why do you have each others names on your own foreheads?" He asked, chuckling slightly.

"Stolls." We answered at the same time, and Poseidon smiled, and then nodded understandingly. 

"Well, lets get those off..." He spoke and moved his hand over our heads. I felt the water move through my skin, removing all of the marker's ink. 

"Thanks!" Jack said.

"Of course, my son. Now, why are you here?" poseidon asked.

"Just to tell you of an evil prank we just played. We wanted to warn you that Athena may be angry for a few days." I said, smiling evily. We told him what we did, and he laughed.

"Hermes will be proud. Now, boys." He suddenly looked serious.

"Yeah, Dad? What's wrong?" I asked, worried.

"There has been information that there is a spy at camp. We do not know who it is yet, but we will find out. Just, be careful. OK?" He asked us, looking a bit concerned.

"Yeah, Dad, we'll be fine." Jack said. i nodded, and my dad smiled.

"Now, go and pretend to be each other!" My dad yelled proudly. We laughed, and willed the water to bring us back up to the beach. And standing there, was my sweet Annabeth, tapping her foot.



Hey! I am so happy to write more! Tell me what you think!!!


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