Chapter 6

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Maybe I should have waited until school was closer to finishing before coming. I was sitting on the rooftop across from the school all day and was bored to tears.
Finally people started to file out of the school building. I searched and searched to find Grayson. And found him talking to Barbie. (Still not sure if that's her name but I'm gonna go with it). He waved goodbye to her and walked towards a limo.
Seriously, he drives a limo. That's like yelling to everyone 'hey I'm rich, look at my limo.'
He started talking to the old man outside the limo.
This is my chance. I took out my gun and loaded it with a tracker.
Yes I am able to do that. I'm an assassin.
I then aimed it at the limo and shot. I then checked a device to see if it hit. The tracker was right where the limo is so it did. The tracker then began to move on the screen and I looked up to see the limo driving off.
Alright, let's see where you take me.

This is ridiculous. I could've found Dick Grayson. Adopted son of Bruce Wayne.....

At Wayne manor.
Like it was literally screaming he lives there.
How did I not find this place on Google. It's huge and I'm not even inside yet. I only just got to the top of the wall and had to strategically try to avoid the barb wire up there. I jumped down to the other side.
Only to be met with big, angry, growling dogs. And boy did I sprint. They somehow did not get me and I reached the building and started climbing up the wall. I got up to a window and started to unlock it using a little trick I learnt in training. I heard a click and I opened it and climbed inside. Now alls I had to do was find fake Grayson and kill him without anybody else seeing. I walked down the hallway I was in and reached a stairway at the end of it. Down the stairs there was an old guy with a feather duster just going around dusting the place. Wow. Must suck to have that job. To wipe the butt of a rich family. He must hate it here.
I continued walking past the stairs. Not wanting to go down in case the old guy saw me. I walked down another hall that led to a lot of doors. I heard noise behind one of the doors and walked up to it. The door was labelled GRAYSON.
This is his room. And he's in there.
I was about to burst straight through the door but then stopped myself. It wouldn't be smart to go in through the door. So I memorised where the room was and ran to the nearest window that led outside. I Climbed out and slowly shivvied my way across on a really small ledge. I made my way to a window that led into his room. I peeped my head forward to look inside and saw that his room was filled with junk. a TV, video games, a huge bed and. A. Poster. A poster of the Flying Grayson's. That poster made me mad. Not at my parents. At fake Grayson. How dare he have it.
I silently opened the window and crawled through. A door on the other side of the room was open. It led into a bathroom. I could hear noise coming from there so I made my way towards the door way. I took out my gun and stood in the doorway. I saw the back of his head. He was washing water onto his face in the sink. He looked up and into the mirror, he suddenly froze. Then spun round and looked right at me, and the gun I had pointed at him.

"Wow. We really do look identical." I said.

We even somehow managed to get the same haircut.

"Who. Who are you?" He demanded.

"I'm you of course. Well technically you're me since you are the clone and all."

"Clone?" He said confused. "You're a clone, Of me?"

"What? NO! YOU'RE A CLONE OF ME!!!" I exclaimed, lowering my gun a little.

"Woah. If anything you're the clone. I'm all original." He said calmly. It was like he wasn't even scared I had a gun.

"What! NO. I'M THE ORIGINAL! Wait. What am I doing? I don't need to explain anything to you." I said raising the gun again. "I just have to kill you."

I fired.

And..he... Dodged it?

How the hell did he dodge a speeding bullet headed right at him.
I fired again and he dodged that too. I kept firing and he kept dodging, moving closer to me every time. Until I ran out bullets and he punched me in the face. I staggered back but recovered quickly and threw a punch at him. He blocked it easily and managed to get a swing in on me. Hitting me in the ribs. I grabbed his head and rammed it into the mirror. It shattered all over his face and he started to bleed.
I had to take him him out now. I wrapped my hands around his neck and began strangling him. I also slammed his head into the broken mirror a few more times.
Was it gruesome? Probably. But I had to kill him. He's my mission.
I didn't notice his arm reach forward and grab a broken shard of the mirror. And I was to late to stop him when he stabbed it into my side.
I let go of him and my hands clasped onto my wound. Fake Grayson fell to the ground.
My vision went blurry, and the pain in my side was intense. I had to get out of there. I hobbled over to the window and crawled out. I then climbed down the building and made my way towards the wall. Luckily the dogs weren't there to meet me this time.

Alfred's POV


I stopped dusting and immediately look up.
Was that a gunshot?
BANG! There was another one. And another. And another.

I dropped the duster and ran upstairs towards master Dicks room. By the time I got there I found him covered in blood in the bathroom.

"My word!" I said getting down next to him. "Master dick. Master Dick! Are you alright?"

He obviously wasn't. His neck looked bruised and he had deep cuts all over his face. I picked him up and took him down to the Batcave and immediately started cleaning and getting the shards out of his face.

"Blurrrs" He mumbled. He then opened his eyes.

"Master Dick. You're awake." I said.


"Master dick. Do you have any idea who did this to you?"

Dicks face looked confused then his eyes widened.

"I. I think I did. I think I did this to me."

Richard 'Dick' GraykillaWhere stories live. Discover now