Chapter 7

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Who knew hospitals were so easy to break into. Literally just had to go through a window to get access to whatever supplies I needed to fix this goddamn wound in my side.
But now I just had to find the right supplies. I started searching through shelves.
I need something to clean the wound.
I grabbed a pair of tweezers. And a little bottle.
Lidocaine. Not perfect but it'll do.
I kept searching and found staples to close it. I also grabbed bandages just to cover it up.
I took off my shirt, sat down and grabbed the tweezers and started slowly pulling out the remaining, microscopic mirror shards out of my side. I probably didn't get them all but it'll do. I then grabbed the Lidocaine and slowly poured it onto my cut.

"Mmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnn! Mother fummmmmming duck!"

That hurt. THAT. REALLY. HURT!

I then grabbed the staples and closed up the wound. It still really stung from that Lidocaine. I then wrapped the bandage around my injured side to all around my body then back to the side. I then grabbed a pin to keep it there.
I then got up. Put everything back and jumped back out the window.

So he really is a good fighter. And he somehow dodged my bullets. He can handle pain. This kid is good. Really good. So I'll just have to be better. No more underestimating. I'm going all out on him. He is definitely going down now.

Other Dick Grayson's POV

"What do you mean you did this to yourself?" Bruce asked.

After I had woken and Alfred had finished cleaning me up Bruce arrived home. Alfred had called him and told about what had happened and he immediately took the rest of the day off and rushed back to the manor.

"I don't know. My memory is a little hazy. But I think I head-butted myself into the mirror. I don't know. But all I see is me slamming me into a mirror." I explained.

Bruce gave me a look. He was testing me. Using his inner lie detector to see if I'm telling the truth.
He then looked at Alfred and they both shrugged.

"Your not getting into the self harm habits are you master Dick?"

"Could it be possible I involuntarily doing it?"

"Mind control?" Alfred suggested. "Were you wearing a hat at the time?"

"I doubt the Mad Hatter is behind this. I took him down a few nights ago." Bruce stated.

"Then what happened to me. I don't remember anything. Just the mirror part."

"Maybe it'll come back to you. Right now. Let your body work on your face wounds." Bruce said.

"Face wounds! Ah man. What am I gonna tell Babs. She's coming around later to help me with homework."

"Make an excuse of course."

"Y'know, it'll be much easier to explain this stuff if I just tell her I'm Robin."

"No!" Bruce said immediately.

"C'mon. It's only one person..."


"Fine" I said getting up. "I'll try and find a cream that'll cover this stuff up."

"Hey Dick!" Barbara said running into the house.

"Babs, hey!" I said walking up to meet her.

She had a huge smile on her face. And it immediately disappeared when she saw me.

"What happened to you face!" She exclaimed. "Seriously. I leave you on your own for two hours after school and you go and do this! WHAT HAPPENED!"

Bruce then walked in.

"Hello Barbara how are yo...."

"Bruce did you beat up Dick. Cause if you did I'll tell my dad and you know he's the Commissioner."

"Woah. Barbara. I would never hurt Dick. You know that." Bruce defended himself.

Barbara took a deep breath.

"Yeah I know you wouldn't. But then what happened to him?"

"Oh the scars on his face. He was just. riding that skateboard he rides and fell off right onto the pavement." Bruce lied. But hey. It means I didn't need to make an excuse.

"And the bruises?" Barbara demanded.

Bruce shrugged. "Just another thing that came with the pavement."

Barbara then nodded and turned to dick.

"I told you you shouldn't ride that skateboard of yours. Mainly cause you can't ride it."

"Yeah. I know." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Now come on. We have maths to do."

She then grabbed my hand and dragged me away.

As she was going through the maths questions, and I was writing down what she was saying. She unexpectedly started talking about something other than math.

"I forgot to mention this at school, but you were acting weird this morning."

"What do you mean?"

"Ahh. You just walked up to me on the street and said hi. You weren't in your uniform, you were in a hoodie. And then you called me barbie and ran away."

An image suddenly came into my head of a person looking like me with a hoodie and a gun.

"Dick?" Barbara waved her hand in front of my face. "Hello."

"What. Oh sorry. Um. That wasn't me Babs. You know I go to school with Alfred. Maybe you got confused."

"Please dick. I'd know if it wasn't you." She said.

Main protagonist Grayson POV

I have my new plan.

Get robins attention . And kill him.

Richard 'Dick' GraykillaWhere stories live. Discover now