You dont need them. You have other people in your life that care about you and you don't need them. Truth of the matter is they might not ever text you and that sucks. I know that breaks your heart. I know you want to talk to them and you want everything back like it was, but truthfully if they texted you right now and wanted to get back together with you it still wouldn't be the same. Its never going to be the same. Its okay to be hurt and cry and be sad about it, they were a big part of your life. What you're not allowed to do is say you need them, because you dont and it may take you a long time to figure that out. But you don't need them. You have so many other things in your life. So many other people. People that are constant things that are constant. The thing about them is they weren't nor will they ever be constant. I know you want them to be, you thought you'd be together forever with them. But its for the best. I promise you its for the best. One day you'll wake up and it won't hurt so much. I promise you.Truth is a, you are wonderful. You make someone, somewhere so very happy. I know its so hard. Trust me I know. Stay strong and know you don't need anyone, and I mean anyone. You will make a mark on this world, you've already started and you sure as hell don't need them to help you with that.