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You matter. You matter as a son or daughter, as a friend or a student.I just wanted to put a few things out there for you. I know that maybe, right now, you feel the world crumbling at your feet. You feel like nothing is going to get better, nothing is going to be okay. I'm here to tell you, though, from experience- it gets better. Whatever you're going through, whatever you feel like, it's all going to change. One day the grass is going to be a little greener and it will be easier to breathe. Maybe it's school, maybe it's family, or relationships or other stuff. You're probably thinking it's not going to get better, nothing will change, I'll be stuck in this rut forever- I've been there, I've been where you are. In a never ending tidal wave of sadness. I wondered, when would it end, when would I be okay. Somedays I still wonder that. It's okay to be sad, and to be worried but don't let the pain overcome you. Don't let yourself to be so wrapped up in pain you can't see the joy when it's right in front of you. You are good enough. You are loved. And no matter what, at the end of the day you matter. You matter as a student or friend, as a teammate. You matter, no matter what people say about you. You matter, because every life is precious. You matter, because you have something inside of you no one else has. You matter. You are loved. You are worthy. You are important. You need not worry and wonder if you are "important" or "good enough" you are. Do not put your light out because other people tell you to. Do not end a story that has barely begun. Just like a book there are different chapters in everyone's lives. We all have different things that are going to happen from here to the rest of our lives. It will not always be this way. It will get better. You will be okay. It may not seem like it, but it ALWAYS gets better. You matter and you do not need to end a life so precious, so soon. You are more than what they say about you. You are more than the things you've been through. You are more than high school bullies or anyone who DARES to put you down. Never worry about it, because you matter.

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