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And then there was Princess Caterina, born to the house of Danesti in Moldova. Daughter of Prince Andrei and Princess Ileana, Caterina was betrothed to Prince Aurel of Bacau. The Danesti were taught the art of combat from childhood, to protect their families and homes and kingdom. Among the warriors, was Prince Xander, Caterina's cousin. Xander loved Caterina. He was by her side whenever she beckoned.

Andrei was crowned Prince following the demise of Xander's father, and Xander was left isolated. Yet destiny has much greater plans in store for him, away from the walls of Moldova. The princess's future too would lead her away from the Romanian province.

The year is 1538. The Dracul dynasty had almost ended following Prince Miceah IV's accidental death. Taking advantage of the situation, Prince Vali of Arad seized the Suceava Castle, and a great battle was at hand. On one side was Prince Vali, with an army twice the size of the Dracul army. On the other side was Emilian Lupei, Prince Miceah's "loyal" general who was training the 14 year-old Vlad to take on his father's mantle.

"You must consolidate Romania! Your courage will lead to victory. I, Emilian Lupei, loyal servant to the Dracul dynasty, remind you once again, the future of the Draculs is in your hands. Until he breathed his last, your father Prince Miceah, had only one dream: to see the Dracul flag flying over Romania. God willing, it will be you, who will fulfill his dream! Long live Prince Vlad"

"Long live Prince Vlad!"

"Prepare to attack! If we can kill Prince Vali, his army will scatter. Vali's eyes alone are exposed, unprotected by armor. Vlad, appoint an archer who must strike him in the eye." The general asked the teenage Prince, who nodded for Lupei to do what he must, pleasing him.

Lupei selected archers and sent soldiers on their missions, and then ordered for a prisoner to be brought forth, and his soldiers did as he asked.

"Your glorious Majesty! For the first time, today, allow your sword to prove its worth. Behead the traitor and bring glory to the Dracul name." The soldiers threw the old man to his knees in front of the boy prince, and Lupei handed him a sword.

"He is worse than a dead man, Lupei. How can I strike him?" Asked Vlad upon seeing the bone thin old man, with barely any meat under his skin.

"If you do not, the army will take it amiss and not believe you are a true Dracul. Do as I bid!" Lupei angrily addressed Vlad and thrust the sword in his hands.

"Soldiers! My brave Dracul soldiers! Like his ancestors, our Prince Vlad V, is a true Dracul! A glorious future to the young Prince!"

"Long live the king!"

This is how Emilian Lupei not only regained the Suceava throne for the young Prince, but established his own rule, proving his actions just, by saying that he was acting to the approval of the Prince. As Lupei sat at his throne in Castle Dracula, his friend and loyal advisor came to see him.

"My lord." The friend bowed.

"Petre, what brings you to my court?"

"A matter of importance, if I may be so outspoken."

"Alright, out with it."

"If you allow me to speak without audience."

"Fine. Clear the court!" Lupei ordered and everyone else bowed and left.

"What is it, Petre?"

"The boy prince, Vlad."

"What about him?"

"He no longer remains a boy. He is coming of age, and beginning to be observant to his surroundings."

"I see yes, this is important, yes. What can I do?"

"Have him sent away, away from court, away from you. Lest he grow up against your wishes. Send him to a cabin in the woods, with a trainer, and a tutor, and a few guards that will watch him and run back and forth."

"Excellent thought, Petre. I shall act upon it at once! Nicola!" Lupei beckoned for a guard lead.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Prepare a convoy for the Prince. Find a best battle trainer and a tutor and bring them to me."

"Yes my lord," Nicola bowed and scurried away.

The next day during breakfast.

"My Prince, I have an urgent matter to discuss with you."

"What is it, Lupei?"

"I can see, my lord, that you are coming of age, yet you are neither learned nor are you comfortable with the art of war."

"I am 14 Lupei, what must you expect of me?"

"I'll remind you, that you are a Dracul. In that sense, you shall be tutored and trained in the art of war. But,"


"The castle is not a safe place for you to do so. If word gets out, enemy rulers may send assassins to get rid of you. For your own safety, I shall send you to a well maintained cabin in the far woods, fit to your liking, where you will be with a trainer and a tutor, who will raise you to be fitting to your name. A true, Vlad Dracula."

"Are you sure this is allowed?"

"But of course, my young Prince. I shall only do what is best for you."

"Okay, I will go."

"Excellent decision, my prince. I have already prepared a convoy for you, and I suggest you leave soon after breakfast so as you can get there in light."

"But firstly, have my friend Niklaus brought to me."

"My prince-"

"If I am not to see him for some time, I shall properly bid him farewell. If it is such hurry for you to send me away, then I suggest you quickly have Niklaus in my chambers."

"Of course, my prince."

The young prince walked quickly away to his chambers where some maids were busy packing trunks full of his clothes. He was sitting by the window, playing with a toy, when Niklaus knocked on his already open door.

"May I come in, my prince?" The other boy mockingly asked.

"Niklaus, prietene, I am not your prince, I am your friend. And you are as a brother to me."

"And you to me. But you sound upset, Vlad."

"Lupei is having me sent away from the castle. He claims it to be the best for me."

"How long will you be gone?" Niklaus asked and sat next to his royal friend.

"So far, the maids have packed three trunks. Two of them hold clothes that would fit me in another four years."

"So you are expected to be gone for at least four years, huh?"

"That is why I asked for you to be brought here. I wanted to say goodbye face to face. I know not when I shall see you next, or if this is to be the last time." Young Vlad sighed, almost teary eyed.

"Hey!" Niklaus jumped off the window sill, attempting to cheer up his friend. "You and I are best friends, born together, we'll die together. And I shall be here, waiting for you. Now, in the case that you do not wish to grow old standing here by yourself, let's go play!" The peasant boy pulled the prince's arm and dragged him with as they both ran down the hidden stairways, off to play in their usual spot, one last time.

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