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"You must have lost your mind, Prince Andrei? A Dracul, benevolent? Who's ever heard?"

"You needed to have been there, Aurel!" The old prince subtly referenced the absence of the younger from battle. "You could have seen how Prince Vlad stood up for me. How he fought his own Vizier. The respect he gave me."

Aurel frumped like a horse.

"You sound enchanted by the devil, prince Andrei." Another Danesti prince spoke. "There can be no alliance with the Dracul. Only war!"

"If a war is waged, our kingdom will be ruined! Thousands of women will be widowed. Children orphaned. The very thought makes me tremble. It does not make any sense to let innocent people get slaughtered. Wouldn't it be wise to make peace with the Dracul and offer Prince Vlad a hand of friendship?"

His claim to peace was met with uproar.

"Do that and be branded a traitor!"

"An alliance with the Draculs? No greater example of treason. You'll surely be branded a traitor."

"It pains me too. But let me tell you, I will be saving my people from defeat, death and disaster, by accepting the Dracul prince's treaty!"

Aurel reached the capacity of his patience and thrust off his seat.

"Very well, Prince Andrei, let me warn you and the people of Moldova. Because of your decision, no alliances will take place between our families... for present and future generations!"

Princess Caterina, listening from outside the veiled room, smiled in glee. Whatever happened, she would not be tied to that oaf Prince any longer. She ran off to tell the good news to her cousin.

Other Danesti clans also broke ties with Moldova and stomped out of the room, leaving prince Andrei alone with his trusted vizier.

"It will be their loss, Lukis. Just you wait and see."

Lukis was cut off from any words by the sudden arrival of the princess royal*.

"What am I hearing, your majesty?! We have been abandoned?! Do you not think of your country!" She hushed before continuing, "Do you not think of your own daughter? Who will marry her now! All because you want to extend a hand of friendship to our enemy!"

"Ileana!" Andrei scolded. "My dear Ileana, the only reason you are not a widow today is in gratitude to Prince Vlad."

Princess Ileana settled.

"The young prince is no enemy to us! He was the first one to suggest a step to peace! I have never in my life seen a prince as moral as he. And, since we're outed already, might I suggest a stronger bond of alliance with Prince Vlad? One much more stiffer than of friendship."

"What are you thinking, Prince Andrei?"

"Come in," Prince Vlad answered as the priest knocked on his door.

"My apologies for disturbing you," the old man said as he noticed the prince eating his dinner.

"Not at all! Please, come sit." Vlad wiped at his mouth and offered the priest the seat across.

"I heard chatter of your behavior on the battlefield."

"Oh yeah? What did you hear?"

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