A Good Prince is Hard to Find.

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That night, Vlad was restless in his bed. Partly that the bed he was sleeping on was less comfortable than his bed at the castle, partly because of the dreams he had. He dreamed of his father's stories, the ones in which Alistair played a part; and now he had a face to the legend. The bats too came in his visions, adding to the mystery of the man, and even in his dreams, he couldn't wait to see him again.

Not far from the cabin, Dracula, or Alistair, also tossed and turned in his sleep, more his dreams to blame than the bed. He'd gotten used to uncomfortable beds, even since before he became Dracula. But he'd never get used to dreaming about his son, his little Ingeras. The boy he'd had to watch from the shadows, the desire to touch his son more agitating than his thirst for blood had been in those three days.

At times, Ingeras' face would morph into Vlad V's, and Dracula would jolt awake with the dread of not being able to save his family in the dreams. He'd often go wander through the forest, even sometimes watch over his name sake through the window, watching him sleep like he used to watch Ingeras sleep.


The next morning, Vlad woke up excited. The tutors expected him to make a fuss over having to live in the cabin, but he didn't.

He quietly walked into the dining room and sat down for breakfast, which wasn't as lavish as at home, but he wasn't thinking about food at the moment.

"Can either of you teach me how to catch a horse?" He asked over his food.

"To catch a horse? Why the sudden urge?" The tutor was surprised.

"My last one threw me off in fear of a serpent. I shall have one that I know I can ride, as I shall have tamed it." Vlad announced boldly.

"It is quite a feat to tame a beast. You will get there, eventually. But that is not a priority for now. Would you like to start after breakfast?"

Vlad slumped, disappointed.

"Alright, fine. But you won't take all of daylight. I'll like to explore the woods more by myself."

"As the young Prince wishes." The tutors conceded.


After breakfast, his time was divided between the tutor and the war master. First was the tutor, who gave Vlad a lesson on local politics and demographics. The prince contained his yawns and was relieved when it was time for practice with the war master. The man was yet to give the young prince a sword yet, but still wrung the boy out on physical exercise and fight skills.

From his weary state by mid evening, the teachers prayed he had given up on his intended expedition. But the minute the sun set, the prince was full of life again as he collected some belongings and barely announced his intentions as he raced out the door.

Vlad had walked all the way to the circle of trees where he had seen Alistair the day before, but there was yet a sign of him.

Flutter! Vlad quickly pivoted towards the noise, but saw nothing but a ruffle of the leaves in the wind.

Shutter! Another noise, yet still nothing. Vlad readying his blade in his hand and closed his eyes, and the next time he heard motion, he threw his blade ahead of it. This time, hearing a squeal in response. The boy quickly opened his eyes, and to his amazement, saw a bat writhing to death as its wings were pinned to a tree. Even more impressively, the creature combusted and fell to the ground in a heap of ash.

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