chapter four.4

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I ran up to my dad, my old converse splashing in the glistening puddles. I puffed and leaned forward catching my breath.
"Are you OK?!"dad looked worried
"Did you"I huffed taking a break between words.
"See what? I can't see anything with this rain"
"There...was...a..ghost boy!"I burst out, looking and pointing back to the old house.
"Honey, ghosts don't exist."he paused,"if you are trying to make me change my mind I hope you know it won't work."
"THATS ENOUGH"he yelled angrily."we aren't going back and that's final, don't you think this is hard for me too?"he looked down, I could sense his sadness as the rain shot down, sounding like rocks as it hit the ground. I could tell he was thinking about mom. "Go inside, I'll bring in the rest of the stuff"he spoke softly,pointing to the doorway.
"B-but dad?"I reached out to him.
"Now"he said, his voice harsher now.I didn't think twice. When my dad was mad, he was reeeealy mad since almost nothing could piss him off. U picked up nixx' red cage and backed away. Storming for the door.
I ran. Slamming the door behind me when I entered. I wasn't really one to cry so I land on the door and sat down, letting nixx out to explore. She mowed and then hopped into my lap. I love her, she was a gift from my mom when I was turning 10. I kissed nixx' soft fur and looked Down the intricate hallways, an idea sprung into my head and u quickly bout nixx down, grabbing my camera. I turned it on, facing it towards myself.
"Day one in the haunted mansion, it's time to go ghost hunting"
Hey guys sorry for the lack of chapters this week. It was spring break and our family went away, and also school has started*_*
Anyways, would you guys rather have long detained chapters less frequently or detailed short ones more frequently?make sure to comment, I love hearing from y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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