Chapter 2 Pt. III

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It all happened so quickly. I'm on this massive Berge. The blue holographic seats beneath me flickered a bit. I'd heard it all. I wasn't very well at keeping myself asleep, so I heard everything. I never suspected anything of the voices, but the siren gave it away. Something was wrong. An emergency broadcast rang through the air, and I quickly changed my clothes and went upstairs to hear a screech and see a bright light. There was a constant ring in my ear. The next thing I knew, was on this massive Berge and flying to safety. Or so I thought.

As we 'majestically' soared through the air, the Berge suddenly jerked and flipped. Red emergency holographic seat belts strapped over my chest and shoulders. I felt my stomach turn over. Luckily for me, I didn't eat anything before this. Suddenly, a green wall divided the ship in two. I wasn't able to see the other side of the ship clearly anymore. Then, I got divided from everyone else. I was alone. I felt something press into my temples. A moment later, the walls disappeared and my temples were released. I found myself walking towards Syntax and Cytric. They were just as puzzled as I was. They released their straps.

"What just happened?" Cytric asked. He got a shrug in return.

I turned my head around to see around a dozen or so people left. A little girl around 7 years of age was sitting on one of the holographic seats, weeping her eyes out. Next to her was a woman—her mother I assumed—laying lifelessly in the seat. I found myself pacing towards the little girl. She suddenly stopped crying, and looked at me. She had light brown hair with some strands being darker. She also had violet eyes and pale skin.

"Hey," I said.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I thought I'd ask you why you're crying."

"Isn't that obvious?" I was taken aback.

"You don't have anyone to look after you. You can come with us if you want." Her features softened, she stood up, and approached me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Aura. I'm ten. I'm a girl."

"I'm Syrron. I'm sixteen and I'm a girl too!" She giggled at me. Oh how quickly you can change a child's mood. We walked back to the group and I introduced her to everyone. Everyone except the girl Syntax was talking to earlier.

"I didn't quite catch your name there," I told the redhead.

Ever was all I got.

"Cool name, Ever."

I took a seat next to them. I felt the cabin shake and the emergency belts flew over my chest again.

~30 minutes later~

Please make your way to the cabin door and prepare for touchdown.

I snapped awake. I didn't know that I fell asleep, considering these seats aren't the most comfortable. I felt the cabin shake, which startled me a bit. Soon, the vigorous shaking stopped, and I heard the engines turn off. I sighed. I stood up, and so did everyone else. I turned to check on Aura, who was still fast asleep on her seat. She was in a very peaceful state, so I removed her seatbelt and picked her up. She was surprisingly heavy, considering she looked like she could've easily been carried away by muggers. I carried her bridal style over to the door, and that was when she jerked awake. She stared at me with her beady violet eyes. She soon relaxed a bit more, just as the door opened. Everyone rushed out the hatch, which reminded me of the time when we were at the badminton court.

I need to keep them safe. I recalled.

Everyone dashed out the door, although when I walked out, everyone was in a big hall. People were being directed into separate rooms. A doctor was in each room, ready to do something. I walked in with Aura in my arms, watching her eyes grow big and small every time my foot hit the ground. A female doctor closed the door, trapping us in.

"May I have the girl, please?" She asked, "she has to go into a separate chamber for the results to be accurate. The government has released a virus, and we have to check you first. All of your belongings will be incinerated."

I passed her Aura, and stepped into one of the two individual chambers. The translucent doors closed behind me and turned black. A few lights behind me turned on, illuminating me with a blue glow. I saw Aura standing in the chamber next to mine, also illuminated by the same lights. I suddenly felt something pierce through my skin, stripping me of any piece of clothing. Luckily, the doors and walls were translucent so no one saw me naked. I turned to see the same thing being done to Aura. Her chamber turned translucent as well. It was enough to muffle her image, but her horrified screaming filled the air around me. The lights behind me flashed. After awhile they turned green, and a white beam hit my skin. The next moment, I was dressed in a nice grey fleece hoodie, a grey cotton shirt, and grey pants. The chamber turned white again, and the door swung open. I stepped out. A moment later, Aura stepped out of her chamber, a look of horror plastered on her face.

"I didn't watch you, don't worry," I reassured her.

"But I watched you," she mumbled. I gawped like a goldfish.

"Just kidding," she said.

"One last thing, "the doctor said, "you need a tracer in your neck."

She approached me, but Aura came to me first. She hugged my leg. The doctor put a gun-looking thing on the back of my neck, and when she pulled the trigger, I felt something pierce through my neck hard. I felt it move beneath my skin, eventually finding a position. I winced at that. As for the penetration of my skin, I screamed at the top of my lungs. No I didn't. I just dropped my jaw, my face turning red from the pain. The doctor put a bandage over the wound. The same was done to Aura, but in opposition to me, she screamed like her neck was being pierced open. Actually, it was being pierced open. Her agonized screams filled the air.

A moment later, her screaming stopped, and Aura just sobbed quietly in my arms. The transmitter in her neck flashed a red LED. We were waiting in line to get to our apartments. I found everyone, Syntax, Cytric and Ever, all standing together. They were giggling together. Now we were in this line. They were, along with everyone else, wearing the same clothes as I was. We were directed into a clean, white hall. Once we claimed our rooms, we went inside and were surprised to see the technology available inside. We had holo televisions, holophones, holowebs, hover chairs and tables, and many more. There was a kitchen with fully stocked refrigerators, knives, utensils, and much much more. I went into my bedroom, where I found a king sized hoverbed and a smaller hoverbed next to it. There were two closets and a bathroom. There were holo computers in the corner, and the closets were fully stocked. I counted the bedrooms, and there was only enough for the four of us, not Aura. And then it hit me. My room had an extra bed. I had to share a room with Aura. Although I didn't mind it, I knew I would have to take responsibility for her. Her parents were killed, and so were mine. We had that in common. At that very moment, I knew that she had developed a relationship with me. A type of bond. She didn't mind me touching her. And she looked at me with adoring eyes. She respected me. She loved me. She saw me as a guardian. I knew I couldn't let her down. I imagined her, heartbroken and teary. I imagined her thoughts if I rejected her.

Where would she be? I thought.

I suddenly felt the feeling I felt when I was at the badminton court.

I have to make them safe. I felt the same type of responsibility for her as I had felt for Syntax and Cytric. I knew I couldn't reject her. Even if I tried my all. So I decided then, that from now on, I would treat her like my family. In fact, she already saw me as a family.
A/N: So yeh

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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