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noun: self-harm
deliberate injury to oneself, typically as a manifestation of a psychological or psychiatric disorder.
verb: self-harm; 3rd person present: self-harms; past tense: self-harmed; past participle: self-harmed; gerund or present participle: self-harming
commit self-harm.

Self harm is not a child's play. It's not something to fantasise/romanticise/popularise about. It is a serious matter which should be approached with equal seriousness.

And then there are people 'cutting' themselves for every single matter without even knowing anything. As if it's some kind of trend.

No it's not.

It's for people like you that the ones needing serious help are called fake and pushed further into their agony.

No they're not fake. But that doesn't make everyone genuine.

There are all these people going:

"my boyfriend left me I'm cutting"

"My parents won't get me a new dress (even tho they have thousands of unworn clothes) I'm gonna cut"

"My crush got a girlfriend I'm cutting"

Or simply,

"Let's try out cutting"

Dafuq?! It's fucking not a trend. What do you think? It's like some new designer cloth in vogue and everyone is simply trying it out? Please, you need to get your facts straight. It's not simply something one does to see some blood oozing out of their skin because it's fun!!1!11! It's a way to let out all the frustration and pain one holds, buried deep inside their chests. Definitely not the right way to do it, but definitely relieves the pain. It could very well become a mental disorder. They don't do it because it gives them pleasure; they do it because it gives them release and break from the pain, even if temporarily. Just imagine this, you make a deep slit in your arm and still the pain and burn from it seems way lesser than the hole in your chest. Now do you understand how hard it is for the ones who have to do it for alleviation?

It's not a fashion statement, it's a fucking deathwish.

Please, it's a humble request to the fake ones, stop. And even the ones dealing with the serious issue– there are other ways to deal with it.

You'd say it's easier for me say because I don't know anything about it. Before you do, let me tell you, I too dealt with this and I know that's not easy to leave it. It's been 2 years that I've been keeping clean but still that urge returns from time to time. And that's why I ask the ones doing it for fashion to stay away. Self harming is like a drug; no matter how hard you try, it somehow finds its way back into your mind. You want to do at every small bad thing. Which is wrong.

And I'm not just going to give a lecture about what is it. Let me give you some solutions, they might not be the best, but should be effective.

• Divert your mind. Pay attention towards things that interest you and make you happy.

• Learn something new. Do things which will consume your time. This wouldn't give you time to think about that blade.

• Remind yourself that there are so many people who are way more unfortunate yet they're living with a genuine smile on their lips. They're not hurting themselves further, but trying to make things better. They're positive about life. They're optimistic. And so can be you.

• Get a piece of paper (preferably old and useless because save earth). Crumple it. Tear it to pieces. Blow a paper bag and burst it. Let out that frustration.

• Draw. On you skin. Whenever you feel like cutting, instead of getting that razor, grab a pen. An ink pen, sketch pen, paint brush- whatever, just not too sharp. Instead of cutting, draw on you skin. Make patterns, doodles or just plain lines. It'd give you the satisfaction of cutting without harming you.

• If even these solutions don't work, you can't help yourself from doing this, consult a professional. Meet professional therapists and counsellors. If untreated and not talked about for long, it could get serious. Do it for yourself, please.

Just know that you might not care for yourself, but there are others who do. I do. Even tho I don't know you, but I do care for you. Each one of you is very special, a lovely gem and we don't want to lose you alright?

I know these tips are not enough but something is better than nothing right? Just remember, self harming is not the way. If there's anything– ANYTHING– you need to talk about, just DM me. I'll try my best to help, but still if I'm not able to, at least I'll listen. It'll make you feel better, with that heavy burden off your chest.

Stay strong.

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